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Comment Re:Implied Admission? (Score 2) 212

I think it's more an issue of them thinking that it wouldn't really bother anyone, especially that the point of it was to help the GPS function run better. So this update is probably going to increase GPS location speeds in certain cases (ie. if you're somewhere you haven't been for a while). Apple have said that the data will have its lifespan reduced (ie. it will only keep a short amount of time worth of updates), thus enabling it to still actually work. Also if you turn off Location Services, then the data file will get deleted.

Comment Why Chess? (Score 1) 300

Whilst Chess promotes creative thinking, logic and other sorts of strange and whacky buzzwords, it's lacking any school curriculum linked ideas (based on the NSW Primary School Curriculum). I would have thought that if they want to use a game this way, they could have used some sort of D&D or Warhammer style game, where you can link them into parts of the curriculum like Maths or Literacy, hell, you could even throw in Role Playing ideas like creative writing and art, all based on the game they're playing. There's a school that is trialling a similar project using World of Warcraft:

Comment Why not Both? (Score 1) 720

Why not just have both? Lets take apache httpd.conf for example. Someone who's good at CLI can whack that open in vi/emacs, jump down to the line they want and change an option, or write a script that appends their configuration (eg. adding a vhost) automatically then roll it out across multiple servers. And then, for people who aren't doing a specific change and need to be able to see what's going on (eg. first time setup, where you're going through a lot of the options as you go anyway) can have the GUI open, where the GUI is just a pretty front end for the text based config underneath. Cisco routers work this way, they've got the web based gui that you can set things up in, or you can work in the CLI and config everything that way. Why not just offer both and give the users the choice to use whatever they please? Both CLI and GUI have advantages.

Comment Not a problem (Score 1) 182

When Blizzard did it, a bunch of people complained, but then you realise that you're adding friends of your own, it's not like it's broadcasting your email and name across the internet to everyone. Who over the age of 15 these days cares if their supposed "friends" knows their real name?

Comment Re:Physicists (Score 1) 166

That's assuming that the computer that runs the universe exists in the same sense as the universe we know. What if in the universe that the computer runs in, atoms don't exist and everything runs on something else? Atoms are just an idea by the creator as the basis for how everything runs...

Comment Re:Vandalism (Score 1) 1141

That's what I was thinking, set up a nice junction bit that looks slightly more like a target (not intentionally like a target though) and a security camera. All you need to do is catch a few, make it well known that you've caught them and they've been punished and others won't bother to do it.

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