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Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 443

"P.S. Yes, C# being better than Java is personal opinion."

No, it isn't. C# is better than Java in every way. Well- alright, at least the ones you carefully list. I'll add that doing things one way instead of Java's myriad of (frequently inane) implementations is very relaxing when starting out on something new or when inheriting code from someone else.

Comment Re:Google is dedicated, we're committed. (Score 1) 283

Actually they are quite good I find. Some chefs will reveal their steps, some will not (regardless of their abilities). At no time should they be compelled to do so by an agreement written on the packaging of one of the ingredients or one of the processes used to create the final product.

Comment Re:Google is dedicated, we're committed. (Score 2, Insightful) 283

Well- let's continue with the cooking metaphor. Leave the pig out it for a second.

Let's say the chicken has a great hand me down recipe from his great grand chicken. They implement that recipe and the restaurant's success is overwhelming based on that recipe. The chicken then decides to divulge everything about the technique used to create the dish- but not the actual recipe.

Why in, any environment, should the chicken be forced to reveal that recipe?

Comment Re:ESRB (Score 1) 299

There is nothing tin foil about it. Advertising is manipulation. *I* find that offensive. So do many other people. Note the prevalence and download numbers of ad blockers. I make a concerted effort every day to avoid ads. There is no PS3 ad blocker. No choice if the user wants to be advertised to or not. Offensive. And no it's not just this title or this console.

Tired. Back to work.


Submission + - Language murder 2

eigenstates writes: Ok Slashdots, I need some help here. I am trying to track down the point that brought 'going forward' or 'moving forward' in to the modern lexicon as acceptable terminology. The first recollection I have of it is about 2000/1 in some random speech by Bill Clinton. After that it became a staple of any corporate meeting. Then when I left the corporate world for saner pastures it started popping up there as well. Now completely senseless and back in the corporate world- it's still here. I believe the only way to stop it is to find out its origin. so help me Slashdot, you're my only hope.

Comment Jailbreak (Score 1) 277

Run anything you want. Get stuff from Apple Store, Cydia/Icy.

Too scared to actually own your device, ok...

There is the whole notion of using private distribution of apps.:


And installers of 3rd party apps:


iTunes and the store is a great heap of crap. Not being allowed to have access in to something you paid for is reprehensible.

A warranty on a car will be invalidated if you put sand in the gas tank (put bad code in to the iPhone and it fries the board- same thing). However, if you want to pop a bloody home made led light in the cig lighter or add new seats- this should be legally protected and no EULA should be able to thwart that.

Comment Re:Nice to know- but who cares? (Score 1) 134

It appears to me that the point being missed is on that screen over there.

"Users choose to communicate via Twitter"

You gave them that choice by signing up for an account and making information available in that fashion. If it weren't an option, users wouldn't use it. They would use a method you had chosen to implement- say, an email address or online form. Saying that they use it because they wouldn't have bothered otherwise is a speculative at best conclusion.

"Users who chose not to subscribe to RSS," which is less hassle than Twitter- which they have to have an account for, which has less room to fully communicate information... again, this is a choice as easily offered as Twitter. What if you offered them an RSS feed of just software updates... you do know that RSS doesn't need to just be for blogs? It's any well formatted XML doc which complies with the RSS spec- a node could be the entire list of code changes, bugs fixed and a link to get it.

And finally, the point is that the communication on Twitter is not as good as other better free, open and incredibly more widely used than Twitter options. Your users and your software are being shortchanged by the medium. Or maybe this goes to my point of them not really caring about it if they deal with it via Twitter?

BTW- sourceforge is a fantastic resource for keeping up to date those who are interested in your software.

I do like that the only commenting on this has been in defense of Twitter, which is still a big who cares in my book, and not much at all about the disease of internet advertising.

Comment Re:Nice to know- but who cares? (Score 1) 134

And email or a form online couldn't achieve this information exchange? I don't think I could do a useful bug report in 140 characters.

And you couldn't have an auto updater (apt-get, whatever) that would keep your users from being tied to yet another piece of software to get your software? RSS is another fine method of informing people in near real time of updates.

So, still, I view it as pretty useless given that there are equal and better ways of accomplishing the same tasks.

Comment Nice to know- but who cares? (Score 3, Insightful) 134

Am I really one of a rare few who find Twitter completely useless? The 'connection' of Twatter to follower is one borne of impersonal salesmanship. The Twatter doesn't feel that strong, real interpersonal relationship is worth their time yet they still want would be the reciprocal feelings of such a relationship. The follower thrives on being an enabler of those types of people. The worst (and probably most prevalent users) are the psychophants who follow only so others will follow them.

The only problem I really see here is that since there seem to be an enormous amount of people who use this service now, internet advertisers are going to have a new round of completely bogus numbers to back up that 'advertising works on the internet'. "Look, potential client who has been terrified in to believing that the internet is a huge cash cow and you aren't milking that cow so hire me because I am an expert milker, our ad for ass ring fungal remover was a steath campaign on Senator Twatting Network it has a cumulative following of over a million followers so we potentially moved over a million units!"

This means that decent content on the web will continue to be infected with this bogus logic attaching these disease ridden ads to their art because the guy who sold ass ring fungal remover to over a million people said we had to do it.

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