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Comment Re:if they actually do this - they're stupid (Score 1) 93

Redundancy in common sense would only solve hardware issues. You can have multiple servers, multiple network connections, multiple power solutions. What about software? If you run the same mailing software on all servers, a bug or vulnerability in the mailer would happily bring down all your servers. Same with bugs and vulnerabilities in operating systems running on the servers, and other software. Unless you run several different mailer systems, operating systems, etc, and they all synchronize between themselves (e.g. no emails get lost, no emails sent more than once etc.), redundancy as it's commonly practiced is not the solution to cloud problems.

Comment Re:Is your name Ron Paul? (Score 1) 131

You are an idiot. The increase is due almost entirely to additional spending on safety net programs due to Bush recession, and to economic stimulus, which was necessary and which any president would have done: http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/29/the-truth-about-federal-spending/ . Keep hating, though.

Comment Re:The Attitude Is Telling (Score 1) 403

>> It's not a derogatory term

Yes it is. Would you literally tell a candidate during a job interview that they are being hired to do "monkey work?" I doubt that. And if you did, any self-respecting person would walk out. Yes, the term is thrown around behind the back from time to time, but never in one's face unless the intent is to belittle one's work.

Comment Escapes? HE is a looter (Score 1) 911

The guy ran to this country's safety, used its great educational and legal systems, its infrastructure (all largely tax-funded) to pick up some loot. As soon as it benefits him, he flees and renounces it. He looted the U.S. They should charge him a fat traitor fee, send him abroad penniless, and forever ban his ass from entering. Typical rich asshole, privatize profits, socialize losses, run abroad from any responsibility.

Comment Re:I beg to differ (Score 4, Interesting) 345

Wow, that's one way to ride your straw man [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man] down a slippery slope [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slippery_slope]. Did I suggest anywhere 100% tax? Has there ever been a 100% tax?

As it happens, I am pretty familiar with the USSR economy. While the government did take a large chunk off one's wages, probably over 50% (maybe up to 70%, hard to give a specific number), the wages were way above "subsistence." People used their wages to buy expensive at that time electronics (TVs, video players), travel inside the country; frugal ones bought cars. For the 50-70% taxation, people were getting 100% free healthcare, 100% free kindergarten, high school, and college education and decent retirement benefits to name some.

About "taxing every worker to death, " that's just a lie. Minimum wage workers pay little to no taxes. Middle class pays more, but hardly over 30% even in extreme cases. Also, low wages people refuse to work for are not a result of taxation, but of employers intentionally pushing wages down because they can, due to high unemployment, offshoring, and cheap illegals.

And what the hell is this talk about “taxing to death" and "his dead body in the street"? It reminds me of ridiculous "death panels" by teabaggers. I have not seen unemployed dying on the streets yet. It seems that you are incapable of reasonable discussion about economy and taxes without resorting to threats of death and destruction to all who do not follow your anti-tax religion.

Comment Re:The United States wouldn't care (Score 3, Interesting) 675

What the hell are you talking about??

Russia kicked Georgia's ass not because of some mythical "move towards the Western ideology". Georgia launched an unprovoked large-scale military offensive on South Ossetia. Scores of people died, including civilians and Russian peacekeepers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_South_Ossetia_war . So Russia got involved militarily, kicked the sorry georgian ass out of South Ossetia, and kept kicking it all the way back to georgia's capital Tbilisi. Then it withdrew its forces. Georgia was the aggressor.

Same with Ukraine, it's just local clans fighting for influence, one than the other gaining more power and pushing their people as presidents. It has nothing to do with "evil Moscow hand".

Stop smoking whatever you are smoking and get your facts straight.

Comment Re:Don't hate the player, hate the game (Score 1, Interesting) 599

There are little things called ethics and morality. One would find entire paragraphs in corporate employee handbooks about how an employee is supposed to act ethically at all times. Whether Apple's tactics are illegal is up to court to decide, but their employees who set up the whole scheme definitely act unethically, and, by my standards, immorally.

Comment Re:Burden of proof (Score 4, Insightful) 214

These are not "disadvantages", but the way decent society should work. The utterly unethical, immoral treatment of workers in "right-to-throw-you-out-on-a-whim" states as warm spare parts has to stop. It's not producing a healthy society I'd like my kids to grow up in. Economy is important, but it should not take precedence over a healthy society where most workers have stable careers and can afford to have families and raise children in economic security.

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