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Comment Re:Use VPN and a fresh password (Score 1) 150

Their founder is an ethnic Russian from Kazakhstan. Thus the FUD about Evil Russia. Their servers' base/domain/etc. moves with the takedowns notices from Elsevier.

The FUD about the "credentials" is that SciHub gets the papers by downloading them from the relevant site with leaked credentials, and presumably somebody gave them those credentials at some point.

More likely with stolen credentials than shared credentials.

Comment Re:Your information want to be free... (Score 1) 209

The Canadian government advises citizens:

"Travellers who are concerned about groundless searches or other aspects of the U.S. directive may wish to exercise caution and either limit the devices they bring when travelling to foreign countries, including the U.S., or remove sensitive information from devices that could be searched. Another potential measure – particularly if travelling for work and carrying protected information, for instance information subject to solicitor-client privilege – is to store it in a secure cloud which would allow you to retrieve it once you arrive at your destination."

The above should be standard practice no matter what country you are traveling into and out of. Keep everything in the cloud. They can compel you to unlock your phone or your laptop but they can't read your email if it's not stored on either of those devices. They can't read your documents if they're locked safely away in the cloud.

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