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Comment Re: And google will retain that info exclusively. (Score 1) 195

But Google sees that imgabc123.png is 32x32 pixles and in the same DIV tag on every email. So Google replaces all the "identified" images for every recipiant with the first one they pulled and cached. Your browser is only going to pull the image from Google while the Advertizers don't get any tracking at all.

Then Google goes to customers with a "deal" for how many of your email subscribers opened emails about your product... The emails you paid SOMEBODY ELSE to send out....

Comment Re:Word unlocked. (Score 1) 276

the point is that it DOESN'T MATTER what the charges were. we executed somebody for "disloyalty".. don't let you be next.

The problem is that it only works for so long. You can only grab and execute random members of your staff so many times. They begin lying about each other first, then a few people have enough lies going their way to take you out while your "closest staff" steps aside while they depose you. Just like Julius Caesar, the first knife comes from the person you trusted most.. because they gotta save THEMSELVES from you.

Comment Re: Jackpot (Score 1) 617

But it is nice to notify them if its over a few dollars. I don't think they can make you give it back, but somebody can keep their job. Lots of places write the cashier up and threaten them as "stealing" if they miss more than $5. Short the "clown" $20 and somebody is getting fired... They'll spend 2 hours tearing the store apart to find it.

Comment Re: Tough luck.. (Score 1) 923

It's about following along with society. Kind of like when you're at the zoo and somebody steals grandmas purse. The security chases them and they jump into the clearly marked bear cage and get mauled.

People have time to turn themselves in and do the right thing... Opening a box of deadly poison is just like jumping in a paddock of bears.. You choose to live outside the rules and the rules got you.

Comment Re:Tough luck.. (Score 1) 923

if they cracked open all the seals thinking they were "getting rich", they probably opened up contained capsules of the stuff. at that point they'll have it on their hands then ingest some of it just by normally touching themselves.

There's a reason society puts this stuff in locked and sealed boxes on trucks with guards. It's not like there weren't warnings and protections in place. Dumbshits shouldn't commit armed robbery.

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