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Comment Re:China? (Score 1) 560

That, and the fact that some forms of pollution change the albedo of the atmosphere and reflect more light back. The fog of pollution around Beijing probably reflects enough light to make it locally slightly cooler. But globally, the greenhouse gases contribute to an average higher temperature. In any case, I feel that the other effects of the pollution, consumption, and destruction of our environment will have more disastrous consequences sooner than the average change in global temperature will. Not denying global warming though, lest anyone misread me.

Comment Re:flow = pressure/resistance (Score 1) 362 which people would respond by letting the tap run a little longer. If I want to take a bath, I don't have a set time I let the water run and get in. I have an amount of water I'd like to have in the tub, and if it takes another 45 seconds to get there, I just might not notice.

Comment Re:China (Score 1) 325

None of them were shot when they emigrated.

You don't say. The people you met weren't killed before?

China is not as bad as North Korea, no shit. But they're guilty of human rights abuses aplenty and already get bad press for it aplenty. Shaming them publicly moreso than they already are will likely not work well for making them shift their strategic position on North Korea.

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