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Comment Re:NSA != cybersecurity (Score 2) 81

No one has that responsibility. US Cybercom doesn't have it, nor does DHS. It's a known gap in our defensive posture. US businesses have resisted any attempts from the gov to regulate their cyber security. No one wants the gummint coming in and telling them how to set up and maintain their networks. And critical infrastructure, like power and other utilities, have likewise resisted any attempts at regulation, even though they are all hooked up to the internet with little thought to security. So, the current situation is we have little cyber security as a nation, and no one is responsible for it.

Comment Re:The Horror! (Score -1, Troll) 325

Wow, good thing you didn't blow that out of proportion. You might have sounded like a buffoon.

I think what he's saying is that there are many people that don't need to be searched. Police officers, for instance. Are they not already trusted and scrutinized? Active duty military. Those with security clearances. I am former active duty military with 4 separate concealed carry permits issued, all with background checks done. I have a Top Secret clearance, with three separate extensive background checks done. And I have a polygraph done, during which I was asked if I was a terrorist. And I passed. So one branch of the federal government is sufficiently convinced I am not a terrorist to allow me access to sensitive materials. But the TSA has to treat me like a terrorist, because they're not allowed to keep a record of me. There are millions of people in the US who don't need to be treated like terrorists every time they travel. If those who are already trusted can proceed with minimal checks, then it would make it easier to check everyone else.

At least, that's how I interpreted his remarks. YMMV.

Comment Re:Wasted effort (Score 1) 168

Besides, the Singularity is just about AI.

You clearly haven't read the book. Short answer is no it's not. Kurzwell goes into great detail how AI, nanotech, and other technology will allow us to slowly merge with technology until we are no longer just biological. If you are going to make pronouncements as what the singularity is, at least read the damn book.

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