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Comment I don't watch the series... but (Score 1) 312

Only four millions? Sounds a tad low.
The powers that be should live in the now and get with the program. Roll out a Crunchyroll type service so that anyone/anywhere can pay and watch their shows without arbitrary boundaries and restrictions. In today's interconnected world it is *unthinkable* to wait a week or a month... Heck even hours to watch the latest TV series and I suspect there is a sizeable and growing amount of purists among European viewers that refuse to watch the dubbed versions.

The old media distribution systems need to fuck off and die already.

Comment The 'pig in a poke' (Score 1) 170

What worries me a little about the kickstarters is that few of them actually have something to show for themselves, with The Banner Saga being a good exception. Nobody knows what Double Fine's adventure game will look like right now and I'm willing to bet that some fans of the classic pixel art games might get disappointed if they use a Psychonauts style art direction and vice versa. Having a middle-aged white guy with a classic game track record to show off is fine, but show some art, explain the basic game mechanics. Paint a picture for the potential customers.

Comment Let's Lese-majesty! (Score 1) 113

I hear that Bhumibol Adulyadej is an avid rusty trombone performer and eagerly felching sailors at any given opportunity. True story! ... this isn't my best trolling but it should be enough to make it advisable to stay away from Thailand. Also, if you don't recognize those terms, don't look them up on wikipedia or urbandictionary. Save your rosy-cheeked innocence and run!

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