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Comment Re:H.265 will gain traction in video conferencing (Score 1) 182

Changing codecs is going to require outfits like Dish and DirecTV to replace all of the end user hardware. I'm not convinced that h265 is enough of an improvement for them to consider this.

The more legacy users you have, the harder it is for you to get buy-in on a new digital format. Incremental improvements will continue to be a harder and harder sell to people with legacy content and legacy equipment.

Comment Re:So who won? (Score 1) 182

Google is also in a patent nuclear war with Apple and some of those patents should be thrown out entirely. Like any war, you have to do dirty things to survive because you cant count on the other side being acting civilized.

Patents more and more seem to be nothing but a pointless burden. Both classes should be done away with (the bogus ones and the ones that standard depend on).

Comment Re:c'mon slashdot comments... (Score 1) 605

Genuine talent is worth an immediate green card. Anything else is glorified slavery.

Your entire post is just such obvious bullshit. Don't try to kid us. Many of us have direct personal firsthand experience with this. We have seen for ourselves the scab labor effect being used by companies or we have seen how shabbily genuine talent has been treated.

I am sure that I am not the only one here that's seen it for himself.

The rules are made to be abused. The entire concept is ripe for abuse even without bogus salary tables.

Comment Re:The goal of this bill (Score 1) 605

Yes. It sucks to be in a society where it's considered acceptable to create an UNDER CLASS just so the 1% can get richer.

The impacts everyone.

It's slavery because these guest workers have no rights. They remain in the country at the whim of their employer. They have no right to find a better employer. They have no means to negotiate fairly with their current employer.

Yankee farmers despised southern slavers for the same reason.

Comment Re:negatory, cut them back, hard (Score 1) 605

...except we aren't really "importing" anyone.

We are just creating indentured servants. If this law were really allowing genuine importation of talent, there would be far lot fewer objections.

Temporary cheap scab labor for relatively low skill jobs does little to enhance anything except the wealth of the 1%.

Comment Re:No more time travel! (Score 1) 735

Yes. This.

It needed to be a temporal reboot in order to deal with all of the whiners that would fixate on everything that isn't an exact clone of the original.

Trek evolved over time. A lot of that happened after the original series was over. A reboot needs to account for that to be in continuity with the rest of Trek that's not TOS.

They probably should have just skipped the temporal reboot as the same people would whine either way.

Comment Re:Blame Lucas, not Lego (Score 2) 514

It's supposed to be some sort of black stereotype from decades past. The actor was completely unaware of it until Spike Lee brought it up. Lucas may have been oblivious too.

The Jewish thing is just silly. So now every mindlessly greedy character is supposed to be something for the anti-defamation league to get upset about? Really. It's no longer an insult against a particular group when it's not that group being portrayed.

Some people just need a healthy dose of perspective.

Comment Re:Establishes that you do not own your hardware. (Score 4, Insightful) 475

Quite. This isn't about "free market economics". This is about personal property rights being eroded to the benefit of large corporations. This isn't even an example of a bad contract. At least those have some basis to be defended by "libertarians".

This is a statute bought and paid for by industry that interferes with YOUR basic civil liberties.

Since it's property, it's even MORE fundemental a right from an economic perspective than something like free speech.

Comment Re:Hiring Kim Dotcom! (Score 1) 377

America is a nation founded by Puritans. On any issue involving VICE, the situation is probably a lot more nuanced than people like you would be ever willing to admit.

We have dry street corners here.

The fact that some pissants in the Carribean got their panties in a bunch is actually pretty hilarious in that context.

Comment Re:Hiring Kim Dotcom! (Score 1) 377

The analogy is flawed because the US is a patchwork of independent jurisdictions each with their own laws and hangups. You could get by the Feds but still end up encarcerated by some DA from Memphis.

This just goes to show that the US has no monopoly on being narcissistic jerks.

That goes for Antigua and it's fans.

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