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Comment Where's the common sense? (Score 4, Interesting) 39

For some in the industry, the caveats of having a safety operator in the passenger seat and launching in an "easier" and small geofenced area matter.

You mean that professionals that have spent a career dealing with bugs, careless code, outsourcing, patches, and arbitrary deadlines in computer code are skeptical about what is arguably bleeding edge technology? Are we supposed to think that after years of buggy code in cars that somehow automated cruise control features are somehow immune to these things?

Are we to think that computer code is somehow special just because it is driving a several thousand pound object in traffic with real people in it and around it? Are we supposed to forget that human life is always the greatest risk factor to consider? Does the author of this story spend any time talking to someone in technology that isn't working in the auto field? So many questions, so little common sense.

Comment Re:Lossy node weight training involved? (Score 1) 89

Nowadays algorithms are designed to put politics first and foremost at Big Tech. AI algorithms and datasets that produce factually accurate and politically inconvenient results are no longer tolerated. Unfortunately science has taken a back seat to politics and it is no longer possible to get quality information from big tech. Until this problem is resolved your field will continue to devolve and lose the trust of the public. The question is if AI can be saved from censorship and woke politics. Unless it is resolved AI will soon be viewed as nothing more than another form of propaganda.

Comment Re: Damned if they do, damned if they don't (Score 1, Troll) 183

That would be a terrible policy.

1. Advertisers would abandon them, they would go out of business.

Nonsense, youtube has a monopoly, advertisers will go there because that's where the eyeballs they want are

2. It would turn into PornHub overnight.

Who said anything about porn?

3. Popular creators who don't want to swim in the cesspool would leave.

They were swimming in that cesspool before, and they don't have anywhere to go because Youtube has a monopoly.

4. Users would quit after the algorithm recommends yet another n@zi porn video.

Users will stay because that's where they'll find the next cute kitten video, pop song or whatever they were finding before. they'll ignore the cesspool just as they always have

5. They would still get criticised because only a court of law can decide what is legal and illegal, and only long long after it's been posted and only if the poster is tracked down and prosecuted. They would either be leaving illegal material up until the trial or taking it down based on their opinion of what a court might decide.

That's exactly the way it should be, especially considering that they are a monopoly. The snowflakes can learn to live in a society that doesn't censor everything at their beck and call, it's long overdue.

Comment Re:Anndddd he's right (Score 0) 153

Your a liar.

I did read the transcript provided by the White House. Trump did say, good people on both sides and it wasn't until several minutes later and after reporters continued to ask him to confirm he was supporting White Supremacists that he said they are bad people.

Here is the excerpt of the transcript you claimed to reference. It was not several minutes later, it was probably closer to 20 - 30 seconds. You also lied about being pressed about supporting white supremacists. Let us look at the entirety of what was actually said between the fine people comment and the time he condemns white supremacy, it does not take very long.

They did not put themselves - and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group.

Q) (Inaudible.)

The President : Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.

Q) George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same.

The President: George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down - Excuse me, are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him?

Q) I do love Thomas Jefferson.

The President: Okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue? So you know what, itâ(TM)s fine. Youâ(TM)re changing history. Youâ(TM)re changing culture. And you had people - and Iâ(TM)m not talking about the neo-Na zis and the white nationalists - because they should be condemned totally.

Comment Biden isn't president (Score -1, Flamebait) 281

The media proclaimed Gore to be president elect as well, and that was just 20 years ago. You'll notice we never did get a president Gore. We did however get a count and recount effort that lasted until December 4th. At least back then the media were honest enough to cover the story.

There is little chance of Biden being president when all is said and done. Too many laws were broken and too much fraud was conducted. The media never should have called this election for Biden.

Comment Biden hasn't won, this is far from over (Score -1, Troll) 251

Corp media and big tech are not the official of anything related to our elections. No matter how much they try to pass themselves off as somehow authoritative with their fact checkers and supreme court. They are extremely biased corporations that want nothing more than to be the oligarchy that runs our country.

Gore vs Bush ran until Dec 4th, it is absurd to expect Republicans to concede a month before Gore did. There's enough fraud and enough legal issues to put this in Trump's favor several different ways. The media and big tech blew it big time calling this for Biden.

Comment Censorship is evil (Score 1) 44

The censorship by big tech of the election has happened exactly as I predicted it would. The abuse of their monopoly platforms to steal the election and give it to the Democrats is inexcusable. Big tech must be regulated as a monopoly and this interference in our electoral process and constitutional rights must never be allowed to happen again. For right or wrong they have become the modern town square.

Comment Re:If you don't like big money's influence... (Score 1) 78

Koch brothers weren't conservatives, they were libertarians. They (only one is left now) were really actually globalists first and foremost. This is why they were perfectly willing to give to Democrats as well as Republicans. People presumed the were Republicans just because they donated to Republicans more often,

Comment Re:I won't call it a return to sanity. (Score 0) 958

Your TDS will continue as before. Biden is not president elect. The largest voter fraud in history is being busted open in a dozen different ways. Nobody finds it credible, not even people in countries on the other side of the world. The entire world knows that the election is a fraud.

Corporate media and big tech do not determine the winners of elections. The court battles have barely started and there are serious issues that are going to completely turn this sham of an election around. Trying to sell breaking world records for voter participation right along with voter trends breaking for Biden exactly where he needed them in just the right places in battleground states isn't credible.

Whistleblowers are coming forward, evidence is coming out, video is being released, tens of thousands of fraud tips have been received, world record voter participation did not happen and so on. The blue delusion will soon shatter. These issues will be before the Supreme Court before you know it. Many, many people will go to prison for perpetuating this fraud.

Comment They have a short memory (Score -1, Troll) 399

Perhaps this is because the stealing of the 2020 election is still underway? They think that half the voters in the country should roll over and just accept the results.

I seem to recall hearing years of 'Resist' being pushed everywhere, all the way up to things like renaming the rebels in Star Wars 'the resistance'. After preaching resistance for years they want people to start going along? Now that they think their guy might get accepted as president they want people to unify and come together for the good of the country?

These hypocrites have absolutely no self awareness whatsoever.

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