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Comment Re:That's okay (Score 1) 94

I do believe I just failed to make any sense. D'oh.

What I actually meant was, "Google is good at finding bots, but doesn't mind flagging people as bots." Certainly it thinks I'm a bot sometimes, and others I know have had the same experience.

Next time, I'll wait a bit longer and read what i wrote before hitting submit ;-)

Comment Re:It's not interesting (Score 1) 89

You underestimate Anonymous. Anonymous is chaos. It's the true consequence of freedom. It's anarchy. Anonymous is weather and piratebay a butterfly in NY. The comments will have an impact but you won't know what particular impact until after the hurricane has already passed.

Anonymous is, apparently, trying to sound cool. Seriously, did you manage to keep a straight face while typing this stuff?

Comment Re:P2P had no effect on music sales? (Score 1) 285

it almost seems good to support the music industry in comparison to Hollywod.

Yeah, demonizing the music industry has worked a lot better than the movie industry, even though the movie industry is a hell of a lot more evil. How many people do you know that proudly declare they won't pay for music? Now compare it to how many people you know who decided not to go see Avengers this weekend, because they don't want to support Hollywood.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
