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Comment The guy's right (Score -1, Troll) 409

I expect all Slashdot verbally abusing this guy for being a neocon and an enemy of freedom and a paranoid lunatic but the fact is this guy actually got threatened. This means that somebody has tried to intimidate him and state that he will hurt him/his family. Since no biker gangs have done this but a gamer did(you can never tell how dangerous these people are) he is absolutely right that gamers are scarier to him than biker gangs.

Then comes the internet and blows this totally out proportion and saying that this guy thinks that gamers are generally more dangerous than bikers in order to discredit him. I find that incredibly lame and it reeks of an attack campaign against the Australian Attorney General.

Good job loser(s), you just ruined your credibility. In the meantime this guy has got some arrows on his bow to fire at gamers. Congratulations again, you just helped your opponent by giving him media attention.

Comment Re:Legal issue is suspect, here (Score 1) 26

"The NFL Saints can trademark a specific design - like gold, with black and white borders but they can't trademark the fleur-de-lis itself."

Guess what, these fleur-de-lis are almost always following heraldic conventions. That means that only certain combinations are possible. For example: Yellow(gold) on blue or red on white but never yellow on white. Due to the limited amount of heraldic colours there are basically a number of permutations you can have with a fleur-de-lis, the symbol of the kingdom of France, on a field. Therefore the creative input can be stated as almost minimal(all the thinking has been done for them) and it should not qualify as an enforcable creative product.

Comment Re:How far should social responsibility reach? (Score 1) 144

One RPG would get Sea Sheperd a quick mark as a terrorist organisation and would totally destroy the organisation and the legitimacy of the organisation and by extension anti-whaling operations.

It would also give whalers the argument that anti-whalers are terrorists and would only help them.

Comment Re:Yeah, right (Score 3, Informative) 243

That's hardly a strange name. Not if you know that the Dutch have a seperate "vowel" which is i and j combined (ij) and sounds almost the same as "y" in "why". Do the Dutch word dijk becomes the English word "dyke". The word "afsluit" is equivalent to the English words "close down". In essence it means "a dyke that closes down" and it's a reference to the sea inlet called the Zuidersea (or South Sea) and turned into a lake. Yes, the South Sea was originally the other connected to the "North Sea" until we pacified its rough waters. It's a source of engineering pride for us.

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