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Comment Re:So? (Score 4, Insightful) 460

It's the Internet in microcosm. Engineers first used the Internet to pass technical information. Noise was kept to a minimum so work could get done. Then the engineers were surprised to find that the general public had an intense interest in fluff and chatter.

So it's the same thing with Twitter. We mostly ignore it, unless we're using it for geek thing we find important.

Comment Re:Prohibition (Score 1) 148

There is no way it will pass. It is critically important that our lawmakers project an appearance of conservatism, piety and wholesomeness in order to maintain a critical voting mass to get re-elected. Meanwhile they can go back to their full-time job of skirt chasing and boozing when they think nobody is looking.

Comment Used laptop (Score 1, Insightful) 263

I just bought a used Thinkpad T42 for $150 and put Ubuntu on it. It has an actual screen, keyboard, wifi and 40gb hard drive. It even has a supported 3d card so I can do the whizzy 3d desktop thing.

There are lots of offloaded business class laptops out there that run Linux great. They're usually very well built and full of Intel parts, which have solid Linux drivers.

Comment Re:I need a new computer (Score 5, Insightful) 361

It gives us VM's - lots and lots of VM's. I can reproduce a production app environment entirely on one quiet little box, including the load-balancer, firewall and name servers. It used to take a half a rack of loud, expensive servers all with disks and other stuff that breaks and needs monitoring and replacing. I can't wait for the 8-core chips to become affordable.

Comment Re:It's a heavy burden, to save an entire industry (Score 1) 252

It's like a motorcycle. Why get a new motorcycle every year? It's a lot cheaper just to keep using the same one, with the same engine. Just replace the oil, tires, brakes and other things that can be replaced. Maybe when you get really bored of it, you can paint it.

You can do exactly the same thing with your girlfriend or significant other, except for the oil, tires, brakes and other mechanical things. The paint too. Otherwise: exactly the same.

Comment Re:No. its YOUR job. (Score 2, Insightful) 393

Oracle is free to conclude that closed-source software makes them way more money. So they shouldn't be surprised in "X" years when open-source databases that are just as good as Oracle are available for free. I think they call this "being SCO'd." How many more companies will hamstring themselves by not looking more than 2 or 3 quarters into the future?

Comment Re:Kin dle? (Score 1) 278

Two things. And I call them
Kin One and Kin Two.
These Things will not bite you.
They want to have fun."
Then, out of the box
Came Kin Two and Kin One

And Sally and I
Did not know what to do.
So we had to take hand
Of Kin One and Kin Two.
We took them in our hand.
But our fish said, "No! No!
Those Things should not be
In this house! Make them go!
"They should not be here
When your mother is not!
Put them out! Put them out!"
Said the fish in the pot.

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