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Comment pluses and minuses (Score 5, Informative) 1191

Well it certainly looks more modern and pretty.
But the part where 70% of my monitor is blank white space sure isn't a step forward.
And not being able to see any comment info on the home page is another step backwards.
But it doesn't look antiquated. That's sure a plus. It looks like the default wordpress theme.
Hey it's like a hot sorority chick! Sexy as hell for an hour. Then frustrating and mostly empty. But hey it shows real well at homecoming.

Comment Disney is a conundrum (Score 1) 62

Disney has such cool technology and amazing implementation from their theme parks to their cruise ships. It's fascinating to watch how they do things.
Meanwhile, the Disney Channel is so full of terrible awful nauseating acting and relentless fake laugh tracks that I can't stand when my kids have it on the other room. I make them turn it off. 5 other things on TV at any time that are much better for them and that they like (And yes OFF is the best setting). Yet you turn to any full length animated feature and it's usually pretty darn good.
Disney is ruining their name with their daily TV. Pre-teens "acting" worse than any 6th grade talent show, with dialogue that would choke a normal kid.

It's hard to understand the total disparity in quality.

Comment Another example of feature creep (Score 1) 203

GIS worked just fine before they decided to "improve" it. Now I cannot turn "Safe search" off, and now I cannot quickly search for a particular image size.

If I'm really fast, I can get to the links at the (ever moving away) bottom of the page and find my way back to the old GIS, but only if I'm fast enough.

Please, Google, put these coders on a project that NEEDS improvement, and give us a useable GIS back. Thank you.

Comment Re:One word: Lawsuits (Score 5, Informative) 253

Not that you asked me, but I'm using the Roadhawk DC-1:

The Roadhawk is the best implementation of a black box camera I have seen. It has enough on-board backup power to write the necessary EOF so that the actually crash video isn't corrupted (that's where the dod-tec apparently fails). It stores incident (accelerometer triggered) video files in a separate folder so that aren't eventually written over. It creates 60 sec. standard MP4 video files that can be played anywhere, yet those same files when read with Roadhawk's Windows software also show accelerometer graphs, speed of travel, and GPS maps. "Incident" files get written as 20 sec MP4 files with the triggering incident at the 10 second point in the file. Yes, they sell to US customers also.

Comment Re:The problem is presentation, not recording. (Score 5, Insightful) 225

I think most cop shops are afraid of something happening like occurred with the video of Rodney King's beatdown, in which the news snipped off crucial sections in which King repeatedly lunged at police. In addition, they tended not to mention his 100+mph evasion attempt, his prior criminal record or his extensive drug use. We all know how that turned out.

So the beating was justified then? Wow.

Comment Re:It's got Office and that's good enough for some (Score 1) 357

It's a problem if your clients are not smart enough to do that. Last week I had a presentation with an "embedded video" and all they brought on their USB drive was SHORTCUT to the video file that lived on their office server. They of course blamed my platform (MacBookPro running Windows 7) and made certain the entire audience knew it was my fault.

As I write this I'm playing a PPT sponsor loop at a fundraiser, and half of the fonts used in the presentation are missing. No one has noticed yet.

Comment Re:It's got Office and that's good enough for some (Score 4, Insightful) 357

...if it means I don't have to fart around with reformatting at teh last minute in Keynote, Page and Numbers on an iPad, or any of the other feeble attempts at Office compatibility to do a presentation, then that's just fine by me.

Just wait until you try to open an Office document that uses a font outside the small subset of fonts included with the Surface. Hell, just opening a PPT on any laptop other than the one it was created on often requires last minute editing to get everything on the screen.

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