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Comment Re:Yup, and it doesn't matter. (Score 2) 722

It won't go away, but it might end up being like riding. It used to be a common skill, necessary for daily life in many cases. Now it is an expensive hobby, and an extremely rare skill. When my son is 16, I'd much rather he get into a Google car that drives for him than drive. By the time he is an adult and able to buy a car for himself, that pattern will be set and he'll probably be looking for thrills elsewhere.

Comment Re:How is this news? (Score 1) 617

If you plot almost any human metric on a graph you will get a bell curve type distribution where there is always a small percentage that is the superlative of that particular metric.

True, but even people on the top of the scale get better with practice. If they have to have a day job, that is time they don't practice at becoming better (musicians, in this case). So you'd expect the level of competence at the 95'th percentile to drop.

I buy indie e-books from authors I like, and I hope they'll be able to continue to write full time. But if not enough people think it is worth the cost, then it isn't. That's life.

Comment Re:Kosherness status (Score 1) 303

Not exactly. The stamps mean that somebody verified that the food is kosher. When we're talking about food that comes from a factory with thirty different ingredients, it is a bit hard to check it yourself. More natural foods don't require such a certification.

But yes - hair splitting is a fine art in Judaism. We have a whole encyclopedia of arguments (the Talmud), and often the hairs are split into multiple parts, lengthwise.

Comment Re:Kosherness status (Score 1) 303

I think food doesn't count, in general, unless it as at least "an olive's worth". However, things that impart taste count when they are enough to impart taste. In this case, the pig cells clearly impart taste.

However, the question of eating an amount so small as to be invisible wouldn't have happened. Or at least, would have been considered ridiculous. Just because a pig drowned in the Jordan river wouldn't make the water forbidden.

Comment Re:then stop hijacking phrases from other industri (Score 1) 275

Historically, communist regimes had no problem with using forced labor.

Labor camp, or any other similar phrases, are just another term for slavery.
Slavery, forcing a person to work. Labor camp, forcing a person to work. Labor camp=slavery.


If you're a real communist you wouldn't be advocating for such shit.

Comment Re:Liberator? (Score 1) 712

However, in an American revolution, the "occupying force" is local. They have no country to go *back* to. There is no cost too high to defeat the insurgency.

1. An insurgency can force concessions, as long as the rulers can afford to make them.
2. An insurgency can result in splitting the country.

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