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Comment Re:What kind of stupid comment is that? (Score 1) 349

Oh right, so webservers arn't an important part of the internet then?

I have a blog on my webserver, can't say I'd label it as an "important part of the internet" though.

Had he compromised the root DNS servers, ok, that would be damaging an "important part of the internet"

And as for it being long ago, so was WW2. Perhaps we should just let old nazi murderers have a nice peaceful retirement too?

What age are you 12? Seriously, comparing compromising a few computers with genocide..

Since I have karma to burn, Well you make a good point, tbh we might as well as those we haven't caught have already enjoyed the majority of their remaining years. It probably costs more than it is worth just to spend the next 5years trying, appealing and finally convicting them. Lets face it those that don't die during the trial will at best only serve 5years before they die in prison.

Comment Re:Oh yeah (Score 1) 366

Hold on there a moment.. If we let our kids do things that are remotely strenuous they might get hurt then the parents could sue the troop..

I shouldn't be old enough to say "Back in my day" but due to how much has changed I think I can so..

Back in my day there was a game British Bull Dogs we used to play it in scouts all the time, it got banned in a lot of troops before ours due to girls being allowed to join (see below for rant on that). In our it got banned because scouting HQ told us to as it was "Too dangerous". Come on in the 12years (beavers to scouts) I was in the scouting movement, I think we had one guy split his head open, one or two sprained wrists and the odd bumped head.

Rant Begins:
Ok wtf are Girls allowed to join scouts for? Seriously, that's why there are Guides and brownies, etc.. Now
  • half the even semi rough games are banned because you might touch some girl's underdeveloped tit
  • troops have to buy extra camping equipment because they can't share tents increasing their costs
  • If there is no female leader present then noone can go camping or do any sort of planned activity in case she has "girl problems" or someone is accused of touching her or some shit like that.

Don't get me wrong I used to hope we were camping on a guide site or the guides would be camping at the same time as us, but I never wanted girls to be allowed into scouts. It ruins the experience due to the limitations that have to be imposed all in the interests of "equal opportunities"

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