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Submission + - This is why I never trused eBooks (theregister.co.uk)

An anonymous reader writes: Barnes & Noble's Nook business in the US is faltering, but that's nothing compared to the UK, where it's exiting and handing operations to Sainsbury's.

The company has posted this announcement on its UK site.

Effective from March 15, 2016, NOOK will no longer sell digital content in the United Kingdom. The NOOK Store on NOOK devices sold in the UK, on the UK NOOK Reading App for Android, and at nook.com/gb will cease operation.

In one of the most amazing statements this author has read, the company says it's trying to set up a deal with Sainsbury's Entertainment on Demand "to ensure that you have continued access to the vast majority of your purchased NOOK Books at no new cost to you" (emphasis added).

Comment Re:You shouldn't use one hash. (Score 3, Insightful) 87

Very interesting article. However, it seems to be saying that a concatenation of an X bit hash and a Y bit hash are no better than a third hash of length X+Y bits. My original comment was in respect that md5 . sha1 would be better than md5 or sha1 alone, but even then I'm no crypto expert so I'm prepared to be proved wrong on that.

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