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Comment self monitoring vs bartending (Score 1) 167

when it comes to monitoring yourself this is useless since alcohol lowers your ihibition and blocks clear thinking. A better solution would be for bars to use these glasses to assist in monitoring the amount of alcohol a patron has consumed. As it is now they just have guess based on your behaviour, but some people get depressed dwhen the are drunk which I imagine is much harder to spot compared to someone yelling and screaming and tripping over there own feet. When a bar is heavily packed bartenders are moving fast and pay little attention to customers. If the glasses could be outfitted with an RFID chip this would allow a bar to track exactly what drink a patron had and how fast they drank it. If a bartender sees your glass is red (or invisibly to you, it shows a warning to the bartender on screen) the bartender knows to keep an eye on you or to refuse to serve you if your sobriety is questionable. Sure, there is nothing stopping someone from stealing there friends empty glass and getting another drink, but if you steal your friends glass then THEY can't get another drink until the glass changes color and you have someone who is more clear-headed in the group to keep an eye on the others

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My idea of roughing it turning the air conditioner too low.
