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Comment Re:like parking tickets (Score 1) 52

Other than hacking the vehicle, which traffic violations do autonomous vehicles commit? Parking violation, just tell it to move. It won't speed, it won't fail to give way, it won't fail to stop when needs to (all when programmed correctly).
I would put forward that if an autonomous vehicle has been hacked, the penalty should be to remove it from traffic until the hack is removed, and find the culprit that hacked it and prosecute them.

Comment Re:Talk about problems (Score 1) 170

Well, if you want to get that serious about it. The only 32:9 monitor that I can find that Dell sells over here is a 49" 5120x1440 monitor and if you can't do 500x80 on that you need your eyes checked. So I remain at my original position, I think you need to look somewhere else to solve your problems then tilting your monitor. And buying a 4:3 monitor will not be it.

Comment Talk about problems (Score 2) 170

This rotation delivered the best working screen space on what looks like a 32:9 aspect ratio monitor [...] no longer need to worry about that pesky 80-column limit."

If a 32:9 aspact ratio monitor (which is probably not a 17" with VGA resolution) gives you worries about an 80-column limit, then I think you need to look somewhere else to solve your problems then tilting your monitor.

Submission + - Polish train manufacturer DRM's trains ( 2

Askmum writes: Polish train manufacturer NEWAG has put DRM in the software of their trains which detects if a train has been serviced at a third party site and which will lock the train, preventing it from being used, giving bogus error codes. An unlock procedure was present in the software but has been subsequently removed.

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