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Comment Use Case: Cancer - Targeted Radiation Therapy (Score 5, Informative) 26

The headline mentioned putting it inside a human body, but never bothered to mention why (I figured just for the heck of it...).

Here's a use case for it.

"The potential of the NEA in targeted cancer radiation therapy is particularly promising. The compact nature of the accelerator opens up the possibility of placing it inside an endoscope, allowing for direct administration of radiation to the affected area within the body. This approach would not only ensure greater precision in targeting cancer cells, but also reduce the side effects associated with current methods of radiation delivery."

Comment Re:Population control (Score 1) 227

#4 - Water, forgot water.

That's rather important and in short supply in many places, the Mississippi river is at 100 year lows for the 2nd year in a row... (that's a massive water shed, 60% of the continental US). Aquafiers are draining as well (none are being charged).

Comment Re:Population control (Score 1) 227

Here's my logic takes me.

It's a population issue.

#1 - We've reached max arable land (unless you consume all of the forest remaining).

#2 - And then there is topsoil, needed for all of that agriculture. It's diminishing as well.

#3 - And fertilizer, it's mostly sourced from natural gas (not green or ultimately sustainable).


Human population will adjust according to resources available.

Comment Re:Hmmm.... (Score 1) 122

I also believe we're a bit past peak population.

When you hit peaks in things, such as population (carrying capacity for a region), there are knock off effects.

War is effective population control. A terrible approach, but very effective.

Google lists other Causes for population reduction (includes all of your examples):

A reduction over time in a region's population can be caused by sudden adverse events such as outbursts of infectious disease, famine, and war or by long-term trends, for example, sub-replacement fertility, persistently low birth rates, high mortality rates, and continued emigration.

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