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Comment Is this just one big joke? (Score 1) 348

I looked over the show list.....and I can't find any reason why i would want to pay for Hulu Plus, in fact I think i'd have more reason to pay for the main Hulu site than Plus, because the shows available are different. And then I remember they both have ads anyway, and neither of them have shows I actually would pay for like Showtime content or HBO stuff.

No one but the cable and satellite companies (who don't actually make the product I actually want, shows) seem to want my money, it's a shame.

Comment Re:Tip: (Score 1) 142

You've given examples but not addressed the point, why is sex more censor-worthy than violence? Simply because of some subjective definition of "Art"?

So lets take your art claim and run with it:

Exposing a child to violent dismemberment is ok so long as you're telling a great story in the process?

But letting them see 2 people having sex is *worse* because you didn't also show all the time spent courting the woman, taking her out to eat, getting a loan for a car, buying a house and paying bills?

Comment Re:Tip: (Score 1, Troll) 142

We already do the same thing for porn, you have to be 18 to buy it. If someone wants to argue seriously that violence isn't as harmful as depictions of sex, and therefor doesn't require an age limit, i'm all ears.

Until then, this law is actually a step in a less hypocritical direction, albeit an even more ridiculous one since limiting access to information based on content is both more offensive and more dangerous than anything a teenager could see in a video game.

Comment Re:The NSA (Score 1) 206

Ohhh sorry, can't mod yourself down. However we would also accept a pie in the face, glass of water dumped over the head, or the popular "stand on the kitchen table and try to do a backflip".

Did you have fun playing?

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