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Comment Re:How about this one (Score 1) 225

There is only one Lady Gaga, and she can't be everywhere at once, and she is therefore by definition scarce.

Which is why people pay a lot of money to see her in concert.

Recording and mass marketing has made her un-scarce. She chose this route. She did so in order to maximize her profit, with the expectation that she might make some money. Not an unreasonable expectation.

No, it made her music un-scarce. There is still only one Lady Gaga. Even if her income from published music were 0, she'd still make more money than if she hadn't recorded anything. The records are brand recognition.

When there were records (vinyl), artists and labels could press a short run, label them a collector's edition if they wanted, and controlled the number in production. Same for books. That too was a artificial scarcity of sorts. So was the 1937 Bugatti Type 57S Atalante Coupe, 17 made. They could have made any number.

How does the availability of MP3s or eBooks or kit cars prevent any of this? These things are not data, they are things and with such have a physical, and thus limited i.e. scarce availability.

Others could have copied the car, or the books or the records. But we, as a society, gave that right to the car company, the author, or the artist. Never mind WHY we did that. Those arguments are not germane, we did it, enshrined it in law, and it is what it is.

I'll agree to this as we're debating about scarcity. However, you are severely confusing PHYSICAL goods with data.

Digital music / ebooks / videos removed all capability for the artist to control the number of copies, and allows anyone, at will, to create any number of copies.

You can't, with any intellectual honesty, simply hand wave that away and claim a business model is morally wrong simply because it is suddenly possible to circumvent it in your parents' basement with an $800 computer.

Why not? What gives you the right to wave your hand and say it's morally right for society to treat data as it were a physical object? Morality is an ambiguous thing. You can't claim intellectual dishonesty over morality. Was prohibition moral? The people who passed it thought so, but pretty much everyone else thought no. Is the drug war moral? The people who support it do, I think it's the most disgustingly immoral act on going in the US.

Ford could have copied Bugatti. But the barriers to entry were high enough (an automotive assembly plant) to prevent that. Someone could have pressed a copy of the Beach Boys albums, or any best selling book. Again you had to have the expensive tools and you would risk getting caught with a warehouse full of counterfeit goods.

But the goods are only counterfeit because we as a society have said we allow for an artificial scarcity.

The computer removes all of that, and gives any 12 year old the ability to make perfect copies at zero cost.

Of a 1937 Bugatti Type 57S Atalante Coupe?! What program do they have that I don't?!

Does that fact somehow trump the law, wash away the artist's rights, and make copying anything legal?

Well no one ever said laws were moral.

Will 3D printing do the same for physical objects?

I hope so.

The concept of artificial scarcity is, itself, artificial: man made.

Artificial scarcity is artificial? I thought that's what the phrase meant. Scarce: Lady Gaga. Not Scarce: A grain of sand. Artificially scarce: A grain of sand when walls with armed guards surround every beach.

Comment Re:kids are worried ... (Score 1) 491

No, apparently they didn't. From the "Greatest" Generation directly to the "Me" Generation is stunning. I blame "The Greatest Generation", TV and 1960s Progressivism (the results of which are still being felt in society).

Progressivism because (1) flag burning and riots and meeting with the North Vietnamese in Cuba tends to transmit to everyone else, no matter what your pious words are, that you hate your country, thus breaking societal cohesion

Oh, you mean unlike where 100 years before those fucking goddamn hippies there wasn't an ACTUAL FUCKING WAR that tore the country into two? Yeah, it was hippies meeting with those fucking Vietcong in Cuba.

(2) TV and movies -- of which all/majority of the writer were Progressive -- starting in the 1970s coarsening the culture with ever increasing amounts of foul language in movies and TV while eliminating cultural norms like good manners: children saying Please, Thank You, Sir & Ma'am, thus destroying the social lubricant and lastly

Yeah! You tell it man! It's all those fucking Jews in Hollywood's fault! TV and movies in no way whatsoever reflect society. Hollywood should go back to pre-talkies! Everyone was so much nicer then and in the past society was so much better!

(3) the belief that nationalism is a Bad Thing, and therefore nations are a Bad Thing; thus people claiming to be "citizens of the world" and welcoming large-scale illegal immigration.

Yeah! Fucking people not staying in the shitholes where they belong, stealing all our low-wage jobs and infecting us with the BAD MANNERS! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

Dude, seriously, you blame black people, asians, cubans, the jewish, and mexicans for the downfall of society. Just admit it: you're racist. Just come out and say "If it weren't for all those non-white males, the world would be so much better off"

Comment Re:Chance of something going wrong? (Score 2) 376

Thank you for pointing out that /. commenters tend to have a consistant view on issues. The "anti-terrorism" *cough* fake security *cough* is really a huge erosioun of privacy and gets condemned. Facebook is a living privacy erosion monster and gets condemned. We here at /. luvs our privacy, now get the fuck off my lawn and stop peeking in my windows.

Comment Re:Devil's advocate (Score 0) 584

I don't know why this has been modded down. Sure the guy went WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over board (come on it's America sue!) but the thing that pissed me off the most in the summary was reporting him as a pedo when he kissed his own son. Dear god don't let there be a man who shows affection to his child. What did the couple want? Did they want him to spank his son so that he'd never go near their property again? I bet then they'd call social services and say that he was beating his son. They way I see this story is a shithead was extracting revenge on some shitheads.

Comment Re:Just Another Political Tyrade (Score 1) 456

OK, I will. I don't want you or any other person to be carrying a gun in public. It's bad enough if you have one at home. Speaking of terrorist fear. Is the boogie man going to get you?

No, the crackheads that keep robbing houses will. What are you going to do when some jacked up mother fucker comes charging at you and your kids at 3am? Tell him to stop? Get real. The world is full of evil people that want to hurt you. The trick is to not be afraid of them, but to stand up to them when they do come. I could cower all day and have mommy government try and ban all the guns and knives in the world, but if somebody was going to murder you in the first place do you think they really give a shit what the laws are?

Just my opinion, speaking from multiple past break-ins. Never be a victim. Yes guns can kill people. But if the crooks are not going to play by the rules and the scales are tipped towards them, I would rather be prepared. I have no desire to shoot somebody. I do have a desire to live and defend my family against those coming to do harm. Unless you live in a gated community and have private security in your suburban area, you'll realize that some parts of the country are pretty 3rd world.

Aside from the fact that we're debating the validity of concealed weapons in public places, not their usefulness for home security (or lack their of), this is some pretty fine fear-mongering on your part and as per your first post, I'd like to call you out on it. This site was the first hit or so on Google when I searched for "burglary statistics". According to it, and most other places I've heard these stats from, most residential break-ins occur during daylight hours (when everyone is out at school or work). Your nightmare scenario of a deranged crackhead busting in to your house at the middle of the night is just wrong. I've also been the victim of break-ins. Incidentally, I wasn't home. Were you?

To answer your question though, I'd prefer to work on creating a society where there are no crackheads breaking into houses because they can't find employment do to draconian and ineffective drug laws. Letting morons run around with guns won't solve that problem (Side note, I use the term moron to express the fact that I think most people are morons. I'm a proponent of public transportation because I think most people are to moronic to drive. I have no false impressions and I do include myself in that group most of the time).

As some one who spent most of his life in North Carolina, I'm curious about where you think it's 3rd world-ish. I loved it there and would happily move back given the opportunity.

Personally, I think the concealed gun movement has been brought about by misplaced nostalgia for the old west. There is no benefit to having a weapon on your person, even in those hypothetical situations you brought up. The links you posted also seemed more in favor of demanding tougher gun laws rather than looser. By your logic, the citizens of Japan should be demanding a repeal of the Haitorei Edict (which outlawed carrying swords) because some moron with a survival knife ran around stabbing people in Akihabara.

And if enough people like you don't like conceal carry, keep voting it away. I wont move to your state. But next time to move to an area, check the crime rates of conceal carry states versus those who ban it. I think you'll find the statistics quite surprising.

Since we're looking up stats on crime rates, can we also compare countries with strict gun laws to the US? Or, let's leave guns out of it and compare crime rates between affluent areas to poorer ones. Let's change it and compare crime rates of periods, say pre and post gun laws in Texas.

Comment Re:Just Another Political Tyrade (Score 2) 456

Man, you had me right up to the end. I didn't want to post this here as it's rather off topic, but why do you feel that people need to carry concealed weapons in restaurants? There was a day in the past where people could carry them and it was outlawed for very sane reasons.

Comment Re:*sigh* (Score 1) 394

one of these things is not like the others. One of these things just doesn't belong. Which one is it?

Apple - I can buy MS or Linux
craft beer - I can buy from a large assortment of other beers and or other beverages
very spicy chiles - I can eat less spicy chiles
tablets in general - I can just not buy one
3d film and TV - I can keep re-watching my 2D Firefly DVDs until the laser burns a hole though them
hybrid cars - That's why I drive a Hummer
wind power, solar power - That's why I disconnected myself from the power grid and generate my own power with a kerosene generator
drug laws - That's why my ass hurts because my only choice against a proven failure was to get sent to a pound-me-in-the-ass penitentiary
Democrats, Republicans - I can vote Don Knotts
organized sports - I can just not watch.

Comment Re:This is genius (Score 2) 300

. Why do Japanese students tend to do so much better then american students, simple they compete in mental subjects, the grades are posted on a giant board for everyone to see, and are ranked from smartest to dumbest.

I don't know the last time you went to Japan was (if ever) but this is 100% not true. I should know, I work in a Japanese Jr High. The only incidence I can think of close to this is for the driving test and HS/ uni entrance results. However, they are posted with numbers not names. No one knows your number but you.

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