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Comment Re:Copyright of IDEAS is ridiculous (Score 1) 210

It's a little difficult to provide multiple citations when browsing and posting from a cell phone, but you're correct in that I lacked citation. I'm interested in how you can demonstrate point C, considering neither of us has posted any citations.

Regardless... I don't necessarily agree with either side here. I think WB's in the wrong for using this without proper licensing, but most of the trademarks I know are associated with a brand- and outside of this thread I've never seen this particular trademark linked back to its creator/brand. It's just... Nyancat.

Comment Re:Lesson one: don't re-reboot (Score 1) 272

DS9 was the best ST series

no one thought it even remotely strange that crewmen were bringing their families aboard battleships.

I'm with you on every point but this one- there wasn't an actual Battleship in the Federation UNTIL DS9. The rest of the fleet, and most of the ships shown in the show, were vessels of discovery- for exploration, and science. They did have weapons and defensive systems of course, but it was quite rare that they'd be used pre-emptively against anyone but Borg (excluding of course during war time from DS9 and onwards.)

Otherwise, you're right on all counts.

Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 272

Reminds me of the Onion article about the multiverse of possibilities from the US Election results. "What if your fighting machines break?"

Dont forget to ask "What if your battleships get trapped under a force field?"

And finish up with "What if you need to throw a ring away really bad, like *really* bad, but the ring itself doesn't want to be and can control YOU???"

So many irrelevant questions, so much time to waste...

In this order... Wizard, Wizard, Hobbits.

Any more questions?

Comment Re:Copyright of IDEAS is ridiculous (Score 2) 210

Upon inspection, when "froogle"ing "Nyan cat t-shirt", there are thirteen pages of results. This does not include all sorts of other media- people who make 'Nyan Cat' buttons at cons and sell them, the playstation themes mentioned in the comment section here, and any number of other products.

This trademark has absolutely not been protected until now against public OR commercial use.

Comment Re:I agree (Score 1) 564

Eh, different tools for different jobs. Tablets have their uses, especially as content consumption devices and for those who have difficulty using regular computers, while regular computers are usually much easier to do work on. Or, we go the gaming route- tablets have some fun little games out there that people have used to waste a ton of time and money, but traditional computers allow for some pretty darn awesome things too. It's just a matter of preference and what you want to use it for.

Comment Re:Step 1... (Score 1) 120

Realize that at the same time, the PS3 is a cheap blu-ray player, the Nintendo Wii is a completely new style of gaming, and that the following for a lot of this stuff is almost cult status. I know several places that insulting gamers could result in immediate peril.

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