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Comment Re:Not Verified At All (Score 1) 477

Guess how many experiments are wrong if this is right? 10 of THOUSANDS. So who do you think is most likely to have made a mistake? The millions of others, or these 6 dudes. You can solve Maxwell equations fairly easily, you don't get any force. I have read the paper, They don't have a control. You want people to believe an extraordinary result. Have some extraordinary proof. Hell the original paper had math errors everywhere. As was shown by others.

In God we trust. The rest of you show me the data. And they don't have any data. And all the wishful thinking in the world won't change the physics.

And yet you claim to be open minded while still not having actually read it. Or the basic physics. that is not open minded. That is willfully ignorant.

Comment Re:Not Verified At All (Score 1) 477

I have read the paper, have you? Also i have read many many 100s of other papers that show momentum and energy are very very conserved. But hay i am sure some random guy on the internet clearly know more about physics than a MSc in physics. Or perhaps you just think its all one big conspiracy theory.

Comment Re:It's not silly. (Score 1) 540

many or at least in my country most are owner operators. They will get far more time off is what will happen, while their business literately keeps on trucking.

We no long need millions of people toiling in the fields to make food. And most of that shift has happened since the last war. It is really the same shit different day.

Comment Re:If confirmed, does this make it realistic? (Score 1) 477

Calculate how much energy you need for a given reaction force for a given reaction medium velocity you ignorant cretin. You willfully ignorant of even basic highschool physics people piss me off. Your willfully ignorant.

Kinetic energy goes with v^2, momentum or reaction with v. The faster moving the reaction stream is that you need to accelerate, the more energy you need for a given reaction. You didn't even try!

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