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Comment Re:Italians (Score 1) 559

"And please let me know where I said that I knew anything about you."

Your first post. Something along the lines of me not having kids, I believe...

"I never said your kids were irresponsible or anything of the like"

Previous post:
"Your kids could just as easily end up in an embarrassing situation that gets video taped and put on social media, quite possibly ending up in them committing suicide"

This is the kicker though...

"irrespective of the parents"

This has been the common implication throughout your entire thread here. Your sole assertion seems to be that parents have *ZERO* control over the kinds of things their children are interested in, what they do, and their reactions to pressure. You may not have said exactly that, but the implication couldn't be more clear: Parents have no responsibility in child-rearing.

It's not quite the stupidest thing I have ever heard, but it is damned close. Nothing more needs to be said. An utter lack of responsibility isn't something that can simply be argued's downright sociopathic.

Please, don't ever have kids. If you already do: Give them up. For their sake alone...smh

Comment Re:Italians (Score 1) 559

"Well, sure, insult me for being AC"


Yeah, I should have accused you of being something I had no way of possibly knowing. Ya know, like *you* did. Kudos on you for that, by the way.

"but I have never seen a comment history like yours that has so many consecutive comments without a single up vote." Huh...

"Excellent Karma" Wonder how that happened...

"Your kids could just as easily end up in an embarrassing situation that gets video taped and put on social media, quite possibly ending up in them committing suicide "

*laughing my ass off*

Yeah. First you "know" I don't have kids...then you "know" my kids are irresponsible, cowardly, morons. Aren't you insightful, today... Care to divulge those lotto numbers yet, Swami?

Guess what? Until they are 18, parents are legally responsible for them. If they are unwilling to take that responsibility, don't have 'em or don't keep 'em. If you are of the opinion that you cannot possibly raise a child to not be an imbecile or a coward; please, don't have any; for their sake more than anything else.

Comment Re:Italians (Score 1) 559

Spoken like an anonymous coward...

Try again:

3 kids, 2 with honors, ranging from second grade to 11th. ...but hey, keep showing us how much you "know". It's amusing.

Oh, and you missed the point: Mischief is expected. Having it lead to permanent (life ending) consequences? ...not so much.

Sure, the kid may have had mental health issues. That'd be one of those exceptions I mentioned...

Comment Re:Maybe (Score 1) 310


Have you used Linux since 1995?


Package/dependency management has been around for well over a decade now and takes care of *all* but the worst "not ready for prime time" applications/functionality still in development.

"install a new X server from source"

You're kidding, right? Who in their right minds would even attempt such a thing on a modern distribution of Linux? Are you high??

Comment Re:The rest of the world plays the same video game (Score 1) 1168

I'm actually pretty sure the middle east has been "The Place To Go" for religious war, terror, death and persecution for over 2000 years now... ...and I really cannot think of any other location on this or any other planet that has seen as much bloodshed and death...which considering the religious fervor of the folks in that region...says far more about religion in general than I ever could. ;-)

I'm not saying we in the west are "Angels" by any stretch. I'm not even saying we're better. We just haven't gotten on that kind of a roll yet. Give us time...

Comment Re:The rest of the world plays the same video game (Score 1) 1168

It was more Peaceful, dammit! Stop throwing things like actual *facts* at me! I don't care if they were busy killing each other...they were doing it with *our* weapons...which means they were being peaceful!


That's it...


I really do love the extremes some people will go to in order to keep themselves from admitting they just might possibly not have been correct.

FWIW: I misread your OP. Specifically the "current" I take back my disagreement on that specific issue. But any claims you have made regarding it being "peaceful" in the middle east are well, still quite laughable.

Comment Re:*shrug* (Score 2) 254

Wow. Quite the jump you just pulled off there from words like "trust" and "faith", to "fear" and "dislike"... do that often??

Oh, and in focusing on your athletics you missed the point, though I repeated it at least twice:

There is not one person on this planet that feels the same way you do about *everything*. Therefore, not even you can support your institution 100%, as your "best interests" will not always equal the best interests of the whole...even in an institution of 2, such as marriage.

I never said "fear" or dislike". I can speak for myself and do not need you failing miserably at doing it for me. ;-) I said not to trust or put faith in it. Doing so equates to "taking it for granted" and leads to the "suboptimal" conditions you have so eloquently listed.

I don't "gush" about government, and you won't see me begging it to "save us!"...but don't take that to mean that I do not believe it has it's place, as you seem to have done. It has it's place. It just needs constant reminders (and constant limitations) *keeping* it in it's place. As I said in the beginning: it is a necessary evil. One that allows for us to be able to co-exist in a civil manner.

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