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Comment Re:Eclipse and Linux are damn expensive then (Score 1) 329

You can get an anti-glare screen on a 15" MacBook Pro. My 2 year old Mac hasn't slowed down though I did drop extra RAM in for running Photoshop and Adobe Flash Builder (which took all of 10 minutes, mostly to get the little screws out). My previous windows machine at 2 years old was nearly unusable. If you want to upgrade batteries, RAM, HDs, just buy a non-retina MacBook. If you want a retina screen, there are sacrifices to be made with current technology but Mac is your only option.

Comment Re:Too much turnover? (Score 1) 468

When you work in a crappy company, stuff like cake day just becomes ironic. I could deal with crappy jobs that just were crappy but if they were talking themselves up and doing a bunch of team building stuff, management came off as clueless and deluded about the actual problems. The more clueless management seems, the more time I spent looking for a new gig. If it got bad enough, I quit and figured it wouldn't take much to find something better.

Comment Re:"we have guns" . . . (Score 1) 468

Actual things can be more motivating than cash due to salience. Unless you're Scrooge McDuck, just have a bunch of money to rub against your body isn't as motivating as imagining the vacation you'll take to a specific destination or the BBQ you'll win. Caveat: most of the research on motivating employees using cash vs salient rewards was done with people working in places like call centers with clear metrics that are easy to measure and personal.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 467

I could see the pregnancy excuse meaning something when it was typical for people to stay in jobs for decades. With more job hopping now, I find it hard to believe that you can realistically expect any interview candidate to still be at your company in 2-5 years, regardless of gender. There are a lot of reasons employees leave and while pregnancy may be the reason for some women, it's not like men don't ever leave.

Comment Re:An Important Study (Score 1) 467

Willingness or skill in negotiation doesn't explain the study results: People got essentially different opening offers based on gender. So even if the women were able to negotiate up as much (in $ or %) as the men, they'd still be making less. Negotiation may explain some of the difference in actual salaries but the TFA shows it's not the only factor.

Comment Re:I'm speechless (Score 3, Insightful) 573

So she cannot speak without it, yet it begs to ask: "How did you speak before your iphone?" iphones haven't been around forever... what would you have done if it never existed... what did you do?

Kids like this either found the thousands of dollars for a custom hardware solution or used paper words and photos, which are much less portable (if you want anywhere near the vocabulary available in an AAC). Or they just went through life with a significantly reduced ability to communicate, which is incredibly frustrating for them and their caregivers.

Comment Re:Teach her to sign (Score 1) 573

Depends on why the kid isn't speaking. My brother is severely autistic and mostly non-verbal. There's an iPad app (not the one in TFA) that he will consistently use to answer simple questions (yes/no or picking an option from a set). Without the app, his vocabulary and ability to express himself are much more limited. He couldn't have learned ASL any easier than speaking, in fact, it would be much more difficult to teach to him given that he barely understands any facial expressions or body language.

Comment Re:More covert THEY LIVE cameras (Score 2) 133

oh.. well if SOCIETY says so, it must be right.. my bad. A society made up of majorities who can't be bothered to learn to drive well in the first place. yeah fuck you. I want to take away your insurance and MAKE you drive 'naked' on the road.. maybe then you'll get the fuck off your cellphones, leave the sex for the bedroom, and keep away from drugs while on the road. Then, if you hit someone, you'll be really fucked instead of making the rest of us pay for your ineptitude.

Because not being "required" to have health insurance has made Americans the most health and safety conscious people in the world? Driving without insurance wouldn't change people's behavior much.

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