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Comment Re:TPG has the best plans (Score 2, Informative) 173

Another reason for BigPond: you can't get DSL connected by anyone else, but BigPond miraculously can. Go with them and churn after the first few months. I've seen it happen before.

The correct procedure if that is the case is if the following has happened:
  1. You signed up for ISP X
  2. Telstra rejects the application

  3. You immediately sign up for Telstra Bigpond
  4. Telstra accepts the application
  5. You contact ISP X and Bigpond and ask for a free transfer
  6. If that doesn't happen, contact the ACCC and the TIO

Telstra can't legally prevent you in that case and they'd rather keep it quiet than let the TIO/ACCC know they've been breaching operational separation (i.e. Telstra Wholesale and Telstra Bigpond are not allowed to communicate on different paths than other ISPs and TW).

Comment Re:Oh really? (Score 5, Informative) 227

To be even fairer, the ISPs and AFACT already have a procedure in place to do this. AFACT agreed to it and choose to blissfully ignore it in favour of asking the ISP to illegally do their dirty work.

AFACT can stop abusing the legal system and fuck off. They have a procedure that allows them to inform an ISP of an infringement via a magistrate, the ISP will happily comply with the request and send the agreed details to the respective law enforcement agency. The fact that AFACT have sent 0 of these requests since they were introduced almost 10 years ago proves they really don't give a shit about the ISP, or due process.

An ISP is NOT a judicial body. Infringement Notices are not legal documents and AFACT is not Law Enforcement.

Comment Re:As an iiNet customer... (Score 2, Informative) 191

I think they're a great ISP but I can't really understand the policy of not passing infringement notices from AFACT to its customers even if they're not legally required to do so.

iiNet did what any good ISP should do. They forwarded each and every letter to the WA Police for proper consideration. They don't even need to do that.

AFACT already have helped put legislation in place (with the cooperation of the ISPs and the Federal government) to allow a magistrate to request that an ISP retain certain details of the infringement so that when the Police go to investigate the matter, the ISP has retained what they need to answer the Police.

The number of requests made to magistrates since this process was developed in consultation with ISPs and AFACT? Zero. And they're bleating about iiNet not doing enough when they have never followed the process they campaigned for.

Comment Re:All I read... (Score 1) 188

For example, since they fixed the "additional instances could not be launched" issue, you can no longer share the daily heroic quest with your group while inside the zone.
We only get that issue on the Oceanic Realms because the world servers are set to AEST and the instance servers are set to PST so, for the majority of the day due to a 15 odd hour time difference, the daily quest outside the instance is actually different from the one inside the instance. This is due to the fact that you cannot share the daily with someone else if it's not the "current" daily according to that instance. People normally run out of the instance, share the quest, then run back in if someone forgot to pick it up.

Comment Re:Four Corners (Score 1) 214

But I do want to make the point: Dumb people get what they deserve (point 2), and dumb organizations who instigate other organization that are much smarter than themselves also get what they deserve. I think "pie in the face" in an understatement in this instance.

I believe you left out the program's point of going on about the dumb guy. The point being that for someone who doesn't read /. and is not a technical person, this stuff happens a lot and they wouldn't have a clue that it was even remotely possible. I don't remember who said it on the program but they mentioned that companies sell truckloads of computers to the general populace. Those truckloads end up with a home broadband connection with (most likely) rudimentary security and *ZERO* training or information on the dangers of having access to the Internet. The Australian Government spends craploads on advertising for being healthy and such but spends zero on advertising about being safe online and the dangers that are out there and how to remain vigilant.

I have the highest respect for AFP and the Australia Police Service.

The AFP are doing a fantastic job considering the almost vertical hill they have to battle up. I've never heard of the Australia Police Service though. Who are they?

Comment Re:Haha, good (Score 1) 185

Add a folder to your library, wait while itunes chugs and makes a COPY of each file before syncing.

You must be using a different iTunes to the rest of us. I've been using it for over 5 years and it's never done that for me. There is an option for it to "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library" but that's unchecked by default.

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