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Comment Re:That's the point... (Score 2) 148

So much this! I don't CC: the boss the first time around. If I have to do it, it's to let you know I'm no longer the only one waiting for you to get your ass in gear.

I'd hate to have someone do it all the time, though. Similarly putting "request read receipt" on emails. Sometimes necessary, but doing it all the time will get you hated with a passion.

Comment Re:No, it's not notable (Score 1) 208

What absolute bollocks. Replace the word "gold" with any other element and your entire 'justification' remains just as valid. Not to mention the fact that an 'ounce' is an arbitrary measure of anything. That the price of 'one' (an arbitrary amount) bitcoin has surpassed the price of one ounce (arbitrary measure) of gold (arbitrary element, one of many that we consider 'valuable') is even less notable than the clock ticking over from one year to another, in our arbitrarily decided calendar.

Comment Re:alien communication (Score 1) 102

>So, again. Want to understand a puppy? Notice that the very first thing they do any time they interact with anything of any kind any where, is to sniff it first. So, when your puppy moves his nose towards an object, whether or not he goes and smells it, he's talking about it to you. That's why one of the very first "tricks" I train in a puppy is "touch" where he touches his nose to something -- and if you really understand what I've been saying, then you won't be surprised that the first thing I teach him to to "touch" is the tip of my finger.

So your first inter-species communication is literally "smell my finger"

Comment Re:Do the math... (Score 1) 163

It's solar freakin' obvious to anyone with half a brain.

There is no use case where paving a road with glass tiles just so you can embed PV cells in them is anything like as safe, efficient, cheap as putting PV cells over or beside the road. Roads are expensive to maintain when paved with the hardiest of substances, and PV cells are fragile and inefficient when angled incorrectly.

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