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Comment Re:Online applications (Score 1) 244

No that makes sense, but for our major site there's three different versions of basically the same code base as a development, staging and production. But icebraining pointed out to me that I could keep three different branches. I've never been at the top level planning stage for large projects so I've never thought out and set up a cvs system for a project. I've only ever been a user. To be clear I don't have say so over the major site that I work on anyway I'd just like to understand the process I guess. I'm working on a web-app project now that I would like to put into a version-ing system. It might just be delusions of grandeur making me think there will be other developers later on, though :)

Comment Re:Online applications (Score 1) 244

I guess not a whole lot, honestly... but our custom job keeps a development, staging and production version of our code, each that has it's own versioning and is sort of like it's own site, but doesn't have all the nice stuff from a full cvs like diffs and patching. I think that this functionality could probably be done with some bash or perl scripts to move the files around for you. I did see though that used subversion and is now using git for their sites code base, so maybe your question has answered mine...

Comment Online applications (Score 1) 244

Speaking of modern CVS repositories, one thing I haven't seen is version-ing for web based applications and sites. The one I use is a custom job built by our corporate office and it works very well but it's missing a lot of features. Every once in a while I google for any projects like this and haven't had anything turn up. Anyone know of any?

Comment Jobs (Score 1, Troll) 153

I wonder how hard it'll be to find employees in those areas. I doubt there's a glut of high tech workers looking for jobs in those rural areas and if I were a knowledgeable tech worker I wouldn't really want to move to such a rural area... If you're not into country music and you prefer dance clubs over small bars you would *not* want to move to those areas!

Comment Others (Score 1) 317

I'd love to see a comparison between some of the other linux based netbook OS's. I run Ubuntu on my netbook and really like it but some of the other offerings lately have intrigued me, like Jolicloud and meego. Also I wonder if google's chrome os will officially be released as a distro that you can install yourself. I tried out Hexxeh's version of it that he called flow and on a netbook where I pretty much only open a browser it really did make sense.

Comment Re:Password length of 1-6 (Score 1) 217

Ok, snap, it just got 'real'.

Pfft, that would just preserve it. Better to memorize the contents while under hypnosis such that nobody -- not even you -- can access your memory without the appropriate.. aw shit!

That's seriously bush league. If you can't be bothered to build a doomsday device and destroy the entire planet while at the same time inventing the technology to become immortal so that you can patiently wait from a small space station observing the once known as earth rubble to make sure any alien race surveying the ruins is obliterated with your high powered space lasers then you're just begging for your data to be stolen.

Comment Re:Facebook (Score 1) 207

That's actually a really good point. For the most part I follow those social rules. However, if the communication format changes you can change the social rules. You don't have to change everyone's behavior just your own. For instance, if I IM some of my contacts they respond when it's convenient and I just accept that and some others IM me back almost immediately 90% of the time or at least say hold on I'm busy I'll get back to you. I played the game second life for a short time and I remember there was this one guy that only spoke when he felt like it. He just showed up, never said hi or good-bye. Even though some people thought he was rude most people just accepted that that was how he communicated. It may have helped that he was super smart and interesting when he did decide to talk.

Comment Re:Facebook (Score 1) 207

I respect your hardline attitude about the matter, you remind me or Rorschach from the Watchmen. I guess I'm just not prepared to tell my friends "Go fuck yourself. If you won't communicate in the way that *I* want, I'm not your friend!" Also, I'm a pretty heavy IM and email user. Your post shows that you have zero grasp of the important concept that different people like to do things different ways. (And that you seem like kind of an a-hole. But don't let that get you down, lots of important, neat people are aholes! :)

Comment Re:Facebook (Score 1) 207

No, you get notified for most of your services on your phone. I'm talking about a single unified interface for any of these services that can be answered through the same interface, both on a phone and desktop! The same way the pigeon IM client seamlessly consolidates multiple different IM protocols. Once the different protocols are set up, the user doesn't have to care which IM service they just got messaged from. Why not consolidate email, SMS, voice message and IM the same way?

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