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Comment Re:Why does C++ matter? (Score 1) 476

C has an advantage in corner cases due to the flexibility of its lower level.

So if there is a need to use two separate abstraction layers, then a 'hand rolled' version might be able to find savings that a compiler wouldn't look for as its treating them separately for external reasons.

But like i said initially, the benefits only get less meaningful with time.

Programmer/team preference is way more important than any real technical difference between C and C++

Comment Re:Why does C++ matter? (Score 1) 476

I say C++ is slower than C because; as more abstraction is placed between the programmer and the hardware, it gets more difficult for the compiler to achieve the same quality of code.

C++ is Object Oriented, to do OO requires more abstraction, OO is used to make problems easier for Humans to understand, not to make it easier for hardware.

Comment Re:Why does C++ matter? (Score 1) 476

C is and will always will be more efficient with hardware than C++ (for equally skilled programmers). Its also true that hardware resources will only become cheaper, so that advantage becomes less and less meaningful.

A lot of older programmers value hardware efficiency more the programmer efficiency, and younger programmers dont see the value in that.

Comment Re:Excellent. (Score 1) 234

organization's main goal is to break US Law, then you don't get to do business with US-Based Financial Firms.

Prisoners are allowed to own a business while in prison.

Are you sure the intent of a corporation can be used to ban their operation in the US ?

e.g Would someone associated with the mafia (but not charged) be banned from running a legitimate buisness ?

Comment Re:no chance (Score 1) 192

"None of the major parties are going to give high preferences to this new party"

Do you remember the ALP (center left) preferencing Family First, a right wing christian fundamentalist party before the greens. Parties do really weird things with preferences.

Its very naive to think you can predict who will win the last senate seat, DLP won a senate seat with a 1.9% primary vote.

Comment Re:Best of luck (Score 2) 192

Australia has always had trouble standing up for itself, it used to hide behind Britain, now it hides behind US.

Yes there have been protests, but both major political parties are very similar on "national security", and neither have shown him any respect, despite significant popular support amongst voters.

There used to be a minor center party (Australian Democrats) with a slogan "Keep the bastards honest" which did pretty good for a while, but lost the ground in the center to the major parties. If wikileaks can revive that niche they could win votes from the major parties rather than taking votes from the Greens.

Some big politcal names will write him off straight away, but they embarrassingly just dont understand what hes about, or the demographic that supports him.

He is a chance for a big protest vote, his undoing may be the need to compromise to get things done in politics.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 2, Informative) 158

Yet ICANN has not done any of the following things that the ITU has proposed:
        Unique identifiers for Internet users or their computers
        Separate "service classes" for servers and client computers
        A system of fees, surcharges, etc.
        Special licensing for providing particular kinds of Internet services

How many elected US government officials have;
  - Overseen and supported extensive national and international surveillance of the internet.
  - Supported warrantless/roaming wiretapping laws which some argue are unconstitutional.
  - Supported a tiered internet
  - Proposed taxing the internet.

So much propaganda flowing in support of ICANN.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 0, Troll) 158

why the people who are most vocally calling for the ITU to take active control over governance of the Internet are representatives of the governments with the strongest history of actively suppressing freedoms

why the people who are most vocally calling for the ITU to not take active control over governance of the internet are representatives (or fanbois) of the US government which has the strongest history of international domain name seizures, and RL invasions and seizures of foreign property.

Comment Re:Capitalism and You (Score 1) 573

the inherent competition and struggle for money in all aspects of our lives make us the greatest country ever.

(us being the United States)

I believe India has the most extreme form of capitalism in the world, if true, shouldnt you consider India to be a greater country than the US.

P.S. oh and greatest country ever, seriously ? I hear Rome was pretty good in its time (for romans at least).

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