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Comment Re:sad isn't it ? (Score 1) 916

I just had the never-ending evolution/creation debate with a fundamentalist friend. It is amazing how much sense the Bible makes if you throw out what you think you know, as I found when I chose to refute his points using scripture. Noah was "perfect in his generations"... God would "multiply (one's) seed... Jesus wilted the tree that bore no fruit... If you can look past the usage of the term "days" in Genesis, it clearly states life was "created" in the order science says it would have been, with plants appearing long before fish and birds, and animals and man showing up most recently. If there's anything they seemed to have understood, it would be the effect of introducing undesirable traits into a line of stock.

Comment Re:Is it just me, or... (Score 1) 94

It wasn't exactly the physics I noticed, but the abrupt handling. I really expected a higher level of realism, not just to the graphics but to the vehicles. The truck stopped, started, and reversed much quicker than a driver would maneuver an actual vehicle. And that high 3rd person camera might be best for playing, but I'd rather it had been mounted lower as if on the vehicle, or were less precise as if being filmed from the air. Old game conventions stand out more as realism increases.

Comment Re:title (Score 1) 428

"Inventor Lee DeForest, known as one of the 'fathers of the electronic age,' declared TV a commercial and financial impossibility, a sentiment that was shared by 20th Century Fox exec Darryl Zanuck" Is that an actual opinion or spin?

Comment Re:Tamagotchi (Score 1) 428

I could never tell the difference between my computer's CLI and a text adventure anyway. Maybe I don't want a useful, productive OS... why not make a game of keeping it working? Think of the downloadable content you could offer!

Comment Why not go back to what it did well? (Score 1) 146

I never understood why Myspace wants to be Facebook so badly. I'd always viewed Facebook as a social networking tool to stay in touch with friends, family, and associates. Myspace always seemed like more of a shrine to my personal interests, such as bands, books, movies etc. If it were mine, I'd take a cue from second life and allow users to make actual "myspaces", or 3D rooms we could decorate with clickable posters and pictures of our interests. The backgrounds would then become wallpaper and the music player could be a user-chosen device like a jukebox or iPod. It's a shame to see it failing so fast, in some ways I enjoyed using Myspace more 3 years ago than I do using Facebook now.

Comment Re:I think they've got that backwards (Score 1) 215

"You've built a device with about a 5-degree usable viewing angle, and you've put motion control in the blasted thing. I know Nintendo has a long history of throwing a bunch of shit at the wall and quickly abandoning whatever doesn't stick, but really?" It can't be any worse than those driving games for the iPod/iPhone that use tilt to steer and force you to crane your neck 45 degrees to negotiate a turn. (I have no idea why the developers don't counter-rotate the screen to keep it level.) It would seem to me that a truly engaged player would be moving with the unit and should be able to maintain the 3d effect.

Comment I hope they go for it. (Score 0) 53

I always thought of Gamestop as that company that screwed the industry by undercutting new game sales with used game sales, while simultaneously screwing the consumer by selling used games at too high a price yet giving their customers shite deals on trade-ins. Never thought they were good for the industry any more that your shady local/regional vending machine company that forces all their competition out of some given area but only owns no more than a handful of decrepit arcade machines rotating among every small business in their area. ("Hey Shady's replaced sped-up Ms. Pac-Man with Time Killers! Awesome!") So it would be cool IMHO to see them take a real stake in things. Please, Gamestop, make your own gaming tablet. (WTF do you know about that anyway?) My advice? Take a pinch of N-gage, a dash of 3DO and burn a black turtleneck.

Comment Re:mixed feelings and abstract hate. (Score 1) 917

"Personally, I think the real problem is that there are people who feel a moral obligation to "cure" people of being gay." It seems to me the target audience would be an individual who, for whatever reason, wishes they themselves were not gay. "Cure" is obviously the word here causing the problem. Let's say it that someone did make an app that could reliably change the orientation of a person. Maybe it makes you gay, but that's beside the point. Who are a bunch of petitioners to tell someone that they must remain the way they are, and never ever think about changing? Is it because the app does not or can not work, or because if it does work it could weaken their political agenda and reduce their numbers. I've heard many gay people say they would never choose to be gay, but what if they could choose not to be? Should that not be a right?

Comment Re:What about the Anti-religion app? (Score 1) 917

Religion is simply an expression of belief. I can believe Jesus was born of a divinely impregnated virgin and still stay home to watch football. I could also go to church every Sunday of my life and never develop a sense of conviction or reverence for the tenets of Christian faith. You choose how observant to be based on things ranging from whether you like associating with groups to whether you think ritual serves a purpose. But your beliefs, those things that seem plausible and important to you, are largely a product of your worldview, education, intellectual capacity and overall disposition.

Comment Re:What about the Anti-religion app? (Score 1) 917

I don't choose my beliefs, I take in information and beliefs form in my brain. The information I've taken in has led me to taking a position that Jesus was a cool dude and that while there are many things that can be learned from the Bible, it is neither an end all be all source of information nor is it above being misused by someone with an agenda. I also believe Dr. Pepper tastes better than 7-Up. These are my beliefs, but they were not choices.

Comment Re:People associate it wrongly (Score 1) 209

Right, we all have interests and many of us are also obsessive about them. I've known a lot of girls who like horses, but if you see a girl's "my other car is a horse" bumper sticker before you even meet her, it could be off putting. We like to learn things about people in a certain order, even if it means having to establish the most basic level of common ground beforehand.

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