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Comment Re:What about their company motto? (Score 1) 358

Nice false dichotomy you got there.
Everywhere I worked many decisions were made in deliberations with individual contributors.
Of course strategic decisions such as which major clients to take and what to charge them are purely made by management
When the decision is made, the compliance is not optional.

Comment Re: What about their company motto? (Score 1) 358

I agree with all your points above but a quick nitpick

in the common law countries such as the U.S. common law is the law that is NOT codified by legislature but developed by the Judiciary.
Common law evolves in the courts until legislature decides to pass a statue codifying the subject matter. At that point it's not Common Law anymore So the phrase "codified in Common Law" is an oxymoron.
That is all.

Comment Re:People drive because it offers benefits (Score 1) 267

The copy/pasted analogy is faulty
Unlike theoretical free hamburgers driving extra miles is not free. There's cost in both time and money.
According to the IRS, each mile of travel costs over 50c. Yet people view the benefit of the extra travel to exceed the cost.
Limiting road capacity increases the cost of travel. So people of course travel less. But not because they suddenly prefer living like ants or shopping at inefficient (expensive) local stores.
To borrow from you analogy, imagine all food got 5 times more expensive everything else remaining unchanged. People will eat less. Their quality of life will decrease.
I am sure you see where I am going.

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