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Comment Re:i have purchased the affected products. (Score 5, Insightful) 709

I would purchase them again today.
Horses are not especially more intelligent than cows.

Horse meat is also very tasty -- I like it better than beef. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to buy where I live. One restaurant offered it, but there was a huge uproar about it and I believe they've now taken it off their menu.

It's really not fair that I should have to change my diet because of a bunch of loud-mouthed activisits. Either meat is legal or it isn't, and -- except for reasons of public health -- I don't see why some species should be considered 'OK' and others not.

Comment Re:No harm done (Score 1) 630

You sir are an idiot - of course there was harm done. An innocent, intent, driven student was arrested for no good reason other than sheer lunacy by faculty with delusions of grandeur.

I agree he was arrested without good cause, but how do you know he is innocent? There simply isn't enough information given in the article for anyone to make that call.. What were these chemicals, and what were the quantities? i.e. 50 kilos of ammonium nitrate or a large vat of nitric acid is a little different then finding a 12oz jar of saltpetre and a bag of charcoal.

Don't immediately assume fauit with the authorities (except maybe for the initial arrest, which was unjustified based solely on a drawing and odd behavior), when it may just as well be bad writing.

Comment not for everyone. (Score 1) 405

If you spend most of your computer time loading and closing applications, booting or rebooting, or sifting through large directories of files - then an SSD is probably a good buy.

Personally, I don't spend much of my time doing any of those things. In the morning my computer resumes from sleep in 3 seconds. My web browser is still open, and I can continue from my last session. There is hardly any disk access. My work involves a lot of writing, a lot of programming, and a lot of MATLAB. None of these things involve disk accesses, because I already started these applications a month ago when I last booted.

Occasionally I play a game. Except between levels, there are no disk accesses.

For me, given that my hard drive is hardly accessed as it is, I don't really see the point. The only time I've ever wished for an SSD is when I run out of RAM. Make sure you have enough RAM, and - at least in my experience - disk speed is rarely an issue. I have 1.5 TB in my laptop, and couldn't imagine sacrificing that space just to speed up my once-a-month boot.

Comment Re:Surprise! (Score 2) 117

I agree with your concerns, but the cats been out of the bag for years. Video cameras are ubiquitous, as are telescopes and binoculars.

I wish there was a way to block these technologies or legislate them, but practically it's not going to happen. Younger people are going to grow up in a world with much less expectation of privacy, and with fewer taboos. In some ways, maybe that's a good thing, but it's not the way I want to live.

Comment Re:Is it DRM? I didn't notice. (Score 1) 224

This isn't like anything else I've seen of DRM. This is just plain handy.

Really? Are you sure you're a linux user? apt-get install game

Steam is a glorified, locked down package manager. It's a system of locks that allows you to donate money to developers, except that you must first pay a cut to Valve. I guess that's not all bad - it's no worse than paypal I'm sure.

Comment Re:"a chance for Canadians to have their say" (Score 5, Insightful) 50

That's because the actual contents don't matter - they're completely bypassed by the "small part" of the bill.

I don't care to read the rest of the bill, because it doesn't matter. If all one needs to do is slap a digital lock on a work to completely bypass fair use, then why should I read the rest of the bill?

The digital lock provision isn't a "small part" of the bill.


Submission + - NASA specialist fired over belief in intelligent design (

period3 writes: NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has landed robotic explorers on the surface of Mars, sent probes to outer planets and operates a worldwide network of antennas that communicates with interplanetary spacecraft.

Its latest mission is defending itself in a workplace lawsuit filed by a former computer specialist who claims he was demoted — and then let go — for promoting his views on intelligent design, the belief that a higher power must have had a hand in creation because life is too complex to have developed through evolution alone.

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