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Comment Re:Moderation (Score 1) 605

I'm not taking sides either way in the climate debate; I'm saying that sceptics are moderated down because the moderators disagree with their point of view.

There are no sides to take, this isn't an argument. The evidence is there, mounting by the truckload. Those who choose to deny that evidence at this point are akin to denying that nighttime is dark and should be treated accordingly.

Comment Re:Now see, it's hyperbole like this (Score 1) 462

People like you are the reason we can't have reasonable discourse in this country anymore.

"Democrat delenda est" Really? I'd tell you to go fuck yourself dickhead, but clearly your head is so far up your ass it would be redundant. Try cutting the inflammatory rhetoric bullshit and actually LISTENING for once. Maybe actually think about viewpoints that disagree with your own. Open your fucking mind.

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