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Comment Re:First things first... (Score 1) 789

I think the Romans and Samaritans would be the equivalent of liberals, blacks and Mexicans for Jesus day. I think "render unto Caesar...", and the parable of the good Samaritan indicate what Jesus would teach today. On the other hand, his treatment of the Pharisees show he would probably not be too kind to many Christians today.

Comment Re:heh (Score 3, Informative) 481

The company doesn't pitch it as a "light saber". Reviews of the product compare it to a light saber, but it is not marketed by the company as one. Lucas is complaining because the laser has a hilt like a sword or a light light saber. His argument is fairly weak IMO.

Comment Re:Don't think it will matter (Score 1) 409

Arlen Specter lost in Pa, Bob Inglis lost in SC, and congressmen in Al and WV lost. Here in Utah our incumbent Senator Bob Bennet didn't even make it to the primaries. While I agree the anti-incumbent wave may not be a strong as the media makes it out to be, you are definitely inaccurate in your statement that only one incumbent lost election in the primaries.

Comment Re:The data is for fatalities, not accidents. (Score 1) 776

That would make sense if the fatalities are only the driver, however, if you looked at the data, it includes fatalities of passengers, pedestrians and other drivers. Some of the older drivers survived, but killed other people. Even accounting for age, the ratio of the driver dying and the driver surviving is pretty even.

Comment Re:3...2...1... Wake up! (Score 1) 617

Companies like HP and ASUS are hardware companies. They think of hardware solutions to problems. Apple straddles the world of software and hardware and think differently (so to speak). Hardware only companies work at a competitive disadvantage when trying develop integrated solutions. They can do it, but it does not play to their strengths.

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