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Comment Re:Holy self-reference! (Score 1) 405

If you spell "kinect" wrong, then its no surprise that Google stands out by being the only one getting a relevant hit in the first page. Lately google has been considering almost everything a typo and does what he likes with your string ("corrects" it before the actual query). This micght work 99% of the time, but for me that is actually an annoyance, because that often gives me totally wrong results. I have been forced to put every word in quotation marks several times to get anything relevant out of google. I do not have any examples at hand, but i will try to write it down next time.

Comment Re:Unusual Road Conditions ???? (Score 1) 194

Why would a computer handle things worse than a human? It has far better reaction time, more information to make a decision from (sensors, infrared, etc), more control. I drive a Subaru and i see its current - rather modest - computer straighten up the car on ice before i could even start to make corrective actions. I would like to see a human break one spinning wheel out of four in in kess than a second for less than a second. While powering the orher three.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 601

Who says that SMTP connection between servers is unencrypted? All servers i have configured support SSL (well, TLS actually, but its basically same thing) and if the other server supports it as well, it will be negotiated. I see outgoing and incoming TLS SMTP sessions all the time in the logs so i'm not the only one. SSL encryption costs so little that i consider it a good policy. So e-mail traffic might be encrypted end-to-end. But of course you can't rely on it.

Comment Re:Mac? (Score 1) 236

Strange - i have not yet run into a mac user that doesn't clickclick it first. And lets not forget that Mail shows it inline if its single page. Also - for windows users - if you need it to just see bills etc, Chrome handles PDF viewing internally.

Comment Re:Free market for the win (Score 2) 644

Been there, done that. Used chrome for a year or so as a primary browser. Got fed up with it for different things. For example the habit to eat up a mile long url you have already typed when you realize that you made a typo in the middle and want to fix that. And greasemonkey (or rather - lack thereof). Now back on Firefox for 2 months and happy as a clam.

As far as privacy goes - google software has NEVER asked me if i really want to check for updates and despite my repeated attempts to let them know that i dont by disabling the appropriate daemons they sneak back in when you update manually or install some other unrelated piece of code from google.

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