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Comment Buy a Pixel (Score 3, Interesting) 114

You know, you can complain or you can buy the right hardware. If security is important to you (and I don't know why it shouldn't be), buy either an iPhone or a Pixel. Those are the phones that are going to give you the up-to-date software on a regular basis. This has been known for years so you must have bought your Motorola either not caring or not investigating that fact before purchase. I'm not trying to be harsh, it is just a fact. Even Samsung has gotten better at the security patches although not nearly as good as Google. And Samsungs are bloated with duplicate apps for a bunch of things, and you won't get a major OS upgrade for over six months after a Pixel will get it. You have choices.

Comment Re:Why would they? (Score 3, Informative) 440

I've been buying from Zenni for about 5 years. Many pairs of glasses. Some of them are sort of cheap and others were really nice. But at those prices, who cares? I buy multiple pairs just to have variety and some fashion and I still save hundreds of dollars. And I've never had an optical formula problem with any of them, around 20 pairs.

Comment It's funny, but... (Score 1) 110

I always thought that a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system by definition, was expected to isolate users and tasks in a way that they could not interfere with each other. That's what an OS does - provide isolation, virtualization, and security between processes so that the OS is stable, and any one badly behaved task can't interfere with either other tasks or the OS itself (subject to certain permissions).

While I applaud Microsoft's announcement, it seems to me that the need to do this shows a fundamental weakness in the their OS in the first place. It shouldn't be needed.

Comment Re:Skype and privacy (Score 1) 73

I believe that the pre-Microsoft Skype was encrypted peer-to-peer. WIth the Microsoft takeover and subsequent mess-ups, they have made it client-server (hence MS servers) and they can intercept all calls, including for the government. Isn't Big Brother a wonderful thing?

Comment Marketing (Score 1) 184

I suspect Intel went to the i3/5/7 numbering because they could not continue to raise clock speeds. The new numbering obfuscates performance. For example, I'm running an i3 desktop that while 2 core, each core is faster than many i5 single cores. That means I get great performance out of a single thread at a much lower price. It's just not as good at handling numerous simultaneous processes.

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