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Comment Re:Usefullness? (Score 4, Interesting) 56

I used to think I was unique in what rare movies and music I liked until I met someone who had almost an identical collection to me. On top of that, we both had some of the same clothes. The reason netflix researches these data mining techniques is because our tastes really do cluster into groups. For some it might be because they like DeNiro films and Spaghetti Westerns. For others it might be that they like two screen writers - though they never know it. The payoff for getting this right if you are Netflix is that if a customer gets recommendations and he/she use those to fill your queue, then they are much less likely to cancel netflix anytime soon.

Comment Re:It is time (Score 1) 236

Things are happening too fast and there are too many components out there for this. Imagine you did develop this technology. The next day or week or quarter Intel or AMD ships a new processor and the hardware you developed can't use it. So all the time and money you spent developing this *FINAL* boot code is now obsolete. If you did have customers, they will move on to some other platform that can use the 'latest and greatest' because that is what the end user eventually demands. And this isn't just in the high end. Just about everything Intel sells now - even on this low end - is from 45nm process and requires a relatively new chipset to run it. Its why you can probably only find one new socket 478 motherboard on the market...

Comment Makes the move to Ubuntu/Firefox easier... (Score 1) 695

Some people are already finding all they need to access everything they want is already available in a single window - Firefox connected to all the web apps they need. If a starter edition of Windows were widely adopted, it would push more and more developers to derive solutions that don't consume one of those running applications - the result will be more web applications. I don't think this is what Microsoft really wants. Sure they have all those Live apps, but they are apps. They don't run in the browser... Once you can live with just 3 applications, how is Windows relevant anymore?

Comment They reversed course on the single queue downgrade (Score 5, Insightful) 575

Back in June of 2008 Netflix was going to shutdown the feature for managing separate queues. They sent an email and I canceled my account that day. Not sure how many of us there were, but they reversed course quickly. If you're pissed about the silverlight player. Close your account and email them a note to say why you did it. Maybe this will be a non-issue in the morning... Here is a link to the original plan on Ars Technica: Netflix killing extra queues

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