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Comment Re:Should be automatic maximum fine. (Score 1) 114

Last time the executives found a scapegoat who was *gasp* not even an MBA, and teamed up with prosecutors to blame him. So if someone does go to jail, it will not be part of their little social club, it will be some outsider who got promoted near their lofty position and is safe to get rid of.

Comment Ignorance (Score 1) 67

Ignorance has always been a bit of a fetish in the tech industry. Knowing things taints your view of what can be done, thus is not seen as a virtue. What is important is knowing what is hot TODAY, and not worrying about similar it is to the thing that failed just 5 years earlier.

Comment Re:There was a time when science wasn't brain-dead (Score 1) 64

Gotta love the anti-science crowd. Any time a story comes out about some particular field looking into something they don't know, people come out of the woodwork to claim that the whole field must be wrong then and whatever crackpot idea they subscribe to must be right since THEY never admit they are wrong!

Comment Re:Even with Boeing it's a coin toss (Score 1) 112

Also depends if it is something like a maintenance issue, or a statistical one. I am sure all of us in tech have had difficult to reproduce bugs we were told to stop trying to track down because they were one-offs or encountered something that would be time consuming to fix but were told to stop because 'it will probably never happen'. Look through the issue tracking system and you will find a few 'black cockpit, could not reproduce' or 'could cause black cockpit, but statistically unlikely'.

Another question would be.. even if they plan was old, when was the last time the updated the software?

Comment Re:Political partisanship versus law (Score 1) 98

Since when has 'costly and ineffective' been something that conservatives care about? Pretty much all conservative polices come down to 'this is expensive and does not work, but it makes us feel good and scientists with their data hate america and common sense'.

This seems like a VERY selective time to apply that standard to a law.

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