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Comment Re:Not for diesels ... (Score 1) 227

Which is why Toyota (and I believe Honda now as well) created a 'launch gear' where a physical first gear engages from stop, then gets removed for the CVT to take over. The responsiveness after that is virtually identical to non-cvt. I have a Corolla with this, and its hard to tell any difference between it and my Mazda 3.

Comment Re:This is going to be interesting (Score 1) 198

You're comparing the cost of a Model-3 to the average cost of ALL consumer vehicles like expensive huge SUVs. Compare the Model-3 to something in it's class, like the Toyota Corolla SE I just bought. It was $24k and gets 48MPG on the highway. Toyota is #2 in reliability, right behind Mazda. Tesla is near last place 27 of 28.

While the Model 3 isn't a bad car at all Tesla still has some catching up to do. Better put your milk and sugar back.

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