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User Journal

Journal Journal: Friday, and lots to do..

Got a good bike ride in, but i have several tasks to do today besides read the links i posted as kesuki, although that is kinda good it lets me break up the material into chunks. So I better absorb the principals.

Journal Journal: fix slashcode taco!

Form data sucks... so who wants to hack together a script that can send POST DATA for http://slashdot.org/topics.shtml that lets you pick the 'missing' topic ids? lets see, the ones with icons that we're missing are.. TID 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 106, 114, 137, 187, 218, 219... thats a lot of icons to miss, I think 'slashcode' is unable to support that many topics so thus only people like taco/cowyboyneil can use those topics because they submit stories via e-mail or something ;)

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WARNING TO ALL PERSONNEL: Firings will continue until morale improves.
