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Comment Re:GET READY.... (Score 1) 242

The Time Lords granted The Master a new set of 13 regenerations. There's a lot of implication in on-screen dialog (e.g. The Brain of Morbius) and implicit statements in the Big Finish radio plays that the 13 regenerations is something that's imposed by Time Lord society to prevent stagnation by having some turnover in population. Given that the technology exists and that he's no longer bound by the social obligations of a dead race, there's no reason why he'd continue to be limited to the 13 regenerations.

The only reason for the limit is that if it's unlimited then it makes the character invulnerable. This is why they portray the regeneration as something traumatic and like a death. Making the technology to grant him another 13 something that was difficult (and dangerous) to access would fill this - he can have another 13 any time he wants, but there's a danger that he'll die trying to get them. The other suggestion was to have someone else take over as the main character. I think they wanted River Song, but that probably wouldn't go down too well. I'd like to see them find Susan and have her inherit her grandfather's TARDIS.

Comment Re:Exfiltrate Africa? (Score 2) 196

The NSA, facebook, and google seem to demonstrate that spying on everyone requires shockingly little investment and gets good returns even when you don't know exactly what you want to find in your spying.

The NSA can do it cheaply because of the existence of companies like Google and Facebook that have centralised systems that a lot of people trust. Google and Facebook only exist because of various economic incentives in the US (some resulting from government incentives, some due to historical accidents), which are not exactly cheap - trying to replicate these conditions in another country would be very expensive. If people were using decentralised communication systems, PRISM would have been a lot harder.

Comment Re:Facebook does it, Slashdot does it (Score 1) 146

Why former? In the end, they didn't have to spend the $125/question, and they did get articles about it splashed all over the tech news. And most people will blame the PR company, so Samsung is relatively free of the negative publicity, leaving you with a load of geeks who are now more aware of the Samsung thingumabob. Sounds like a win to me.

Comment Re:AMD Shooting themselves in the foot (Score 1) 74

Take a look in Android libc and count the number of FreeBSD copyright notices. They've recently been talking to us about upstreaming some of their changes and adding slightly cleaner layering of the kernel-specific parts so that they can reduce diffs. They're also thinking of pulling in a load of stuff that they stripped out over space concerns, as devices with 512MB+ of RAM really don't have to worry about the extra 1-2MB that locale support in libc adds...

Comment Re:Complete idiocy (Score 1) 207

So if your friends like webmail and want to be secure, set up your own community mail server using SSL protected RoundCube backended with whatever IMAP server you like. The UI is easily as good as most webmail providers, and they get the added benefit that all mail between them won't leave the server and SSL ensures that the mail is protected.

SSL protected RoundCube is the easiest way for a group of friends to securely communicate.

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