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Comment Re:In My Opinion, One Horrible Analogy (Score 4, Insightful) 110

Not only that, but with a nuclear bomb, you can see it coming. You can see where it came from. You know who sent it. And you can fire back appropriately. Chinese hackers can attend American colleges, and attack from our own soil, and we have no way of knowing where or who it came from, if they're really good at it, that is.

Comment Re:Go for it! Parent -1 Troll/Flaimbait (Score 1) 1205

You do know the parts are made here, though, right? I worked at a plant that made Honda and Toyota parts.

Same machines making the same parts that go in everyone's cars, assembled and built by the same US workers...

Doesn't matter if it's an F-150 or a Prius, American workers win. But I'll let you in on a secret... Honda quality is not what you think it is. Toyota has FAR higher quality, regardless of what everyone says about how well their Honda's retain value. I'd bet money you're probably 10 times more likely to hit 300,000 without a major repair in a Toyota than a Honda.

I drive a Pontiac Vibe. It was built in by Toyota in the same plant they made the Toyota Matrix in, here in the US. It's a near exact copy, except for branding.

Comment Re:Go for it! Parent -1 Troll/Flaimbait (Score 1) 1205

Japanese cars are made in the US too. I'm not sure which companies don't have a US as a major piece of their manufacturing base. So, win-win.

And why wouldn't they make them elsewhere? NAFTA for one, which covers free trade over 2 entire continents. As I told someone else, maybe BMW will pick up Africa, lol.

Comment Not just US Automakers (Score 1) 1205 - Yeah, GM is number 1, however...

Honda, Toyota, and other foreign automakers make many of their cars in the US. I worked for companies that did exactly that, so they win either way. The only real threat to the US auto industry is China and Korea, imo.

I'd be interested in ways Europeans could use as much gasoline per person as a US citizen without buying a US car other than buying a non-US car that isn't already mostly made in the US.

But see, you said world. Is BMW going to put all those cars into China, India, the Middle East, and South America, and Africa? When you said the rest of the world, I took it as really meaning the rest of the world without the Ameri-Euro centric view. And in that regard, the US with NAFTA is poised better than any other country to take advantage of that... not that I think it'll actually happen, just playing the scenario.

Comment Go for it! Parent -1 Troll/Flaimbait (Score -1, Flamebait) 1205

If everyone world wide consumed like the US does - gas would be a lot more expensive in the U.S.

And you don't have to like it - or care how it looks - I'm just telling it like it is. Feel free to revel in the position of wasteful jerk that's proud of his excess and complains at every inconvenience.

And the rest of the world would be buying millions and millions more US autos making it our number 1 industrial powerhouse again and pouring money into our coffers at such a booming rate that $10/gal of gas looks super cheap.

So, feel free to revel in the position of a jerk that's proud of not considering how we would benefit if the rest of the world used the same amount of gas. As if what you said brought a tear to our eyes. Like you said, just telling you like it is. And you don't have to like it.

On the other hand, why not complain about the rest of the world eating fish at the excessive rate of the Japanese for all that matters? The environmental impact would be similarly devastating, but does that make the Japanese immoral since it is how their entire society is based? Oh, wait, you were a theology student... so that's where all this moral superiority is coming from.

Comment The new McCain-Feingold (Score 1) 138

This is horrible! This makes patents look like the best thing to come along since the McCain-Feingold Act! Someone who can tell politicians to sit down and shut up, and legally enforce that?

This could start a new era of rule by patent! The sky will fall and there will be anarchy in the streets!

Until... I sue rioters because I hold the patent on anarchy for large groups in public locations for the purpose of civil unrest but not gathered for a particular reason, Patent #828238271238414235

Comment Try Path? (Score 1) 310 might be perfect for you. It's very small, highly curated (people you would invite to a dinner party), and the tech bloggers love it. The only problem, of course, is that as a tech blogger, you're going to network with great content. If you are an average schmuck like me, you're going to get average content, because the good content people won't share. I'm not a fan of 1-to-1 networking Either many-to-1 or 1-to-many is the way to go, imo.

Comment Sorry, we were busy on G+ (Score 4, Insightful) 310

Sorry, we were too busy on G+ to worry about first post....

"The Wall Street Journal has the hard, unfiltered truth"

Yeah, except it doesn't count mobile users. G+ is mostly cutting edge geeks who are using the app at least as much as the website. It doesn't define which users it is counting. Is this counting active users, signed up and never returned users, who? Considering anyone with a Google account now has a G+ account, the numbers can easily be far off what the active user numbers would be. If they were testing me, and testing mobile, I'd easily clock in about 8 hours average a day (always checking on phone, commenting in discussions, on tablet, on at work, etc.)

Also, many of us geeks got family to join. We all but boycott Facebook, so they have to log in every once in a while just to check on us, but never interact.

From personal experience, I have 1000+ followers, follow 200+, and it take me more than 3 minutes a day just to get through the first page of posts. Also, I hyper share with G+, because it's people I share interests, not genes, with.

Compared to Slashdot: I've posted more interesting stories than Slashdot had today. I've read more interesting stories separately as well. I've had better discussions that on Slashdot. Millions of users, only a couple thousand posts per day... Maybe the Slashdot crowd shouldn't be throwing stones. Reading all the blurbs, I could easily fit Slashdot into 3 minutes a day or less.

Besides, many posted this story before it was on Slashdot. Became old news quick, already fully parsed, dissected, and discussed. Glad to see /. catch up to G+, and then poo-poo it, lol.

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