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Comment Re:Only 10 types of people. (Score 1) 599


They do recommend something similar in Numerical Recipes in C. If I remember correctly something like:

int var[] = {0, 5, 2};
int *pointer;
pointer = &var[0] - 1;
printf("%d\n %d\n",pointer[1],pointer[2]);

I think 3:rd line can be written equivalently as
pointer = var - 1;

So, if you insist on indices that start with 1 in C-like languages, it's not hard to achieve. The question is why?


Submission + - Open Medicine Magazine Launched in Canada

lazarus writes: "A group of editors having been fired or quit from the prestigious Canadian Medial Association Journal allegedly over questions of censorship and the influence of big drug companies on the magazine have started their own. Open magazine is a not-for-profit peer reviewed medical journal only available on-line which its founders claim is all about open access and editorial independence. CBC has the full story as well as some background on the problems at the CMAJ."

Feed Scientists Identify Genes Activated During Learning And Memory (sciencedaily.com)

Researchers have long recognized that for learning and memory to take place, certain genes must be activated to alter neuron activity inside the brain. But identifying and cataloging all the genes involved in learning is a daunting task. Scientists have now developed an innovative computational approach to provide a rapid way to identify the likely members of this long sought-after set of genes.

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