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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 23 declined, 14 accepted (37 total, 37.84% accepted)


Submission + - Wal-Mart asked to drop Christian video game

doug141 writes: Liberal and progressive Christian groups say a new computer game in which players must either convert or kill non-Christians is the wrong gift to give this holiday season and that Wal-Mart, a major video game retailer, should yank it off its shelves.

Players can choose to join the Antichrist's team, but of course they can never win on [his] side. The enemy team includes fictional rock stars and folks with Muslim-sounding names, while the righteous include gospel singers, missionaries, healers and medics. 006/12/12/MNG8TMU1KQ1.DTL
The Internet

Submission + - Congress Fails to Pass Net Neutrality Bill

doug141 writes: The U.S. Congress has adjourned without passing a much-debated broadband bill or strengthening network neutrality rules. Advocates of net neutrality rules pressed Congress to hold on to the broadband bill unless it included a provision prohibiting broadband providers from blocking or slowing competing Internet content. d/128161

Submission + - UK scientists want to create human-cow hybrid

doug141 writes: New scientist writes:'Scientists in the UK applied on Monday for permission to create part-cow, part-human embryos for research aimed at treating diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's... if they manage to pull off the feat, the human-bovine embryos would not be allowed to develop for more than a few days, the researchers say.' entists-ask-permission-to-create-humancow-hybrid.h tml

Submission + - 2 sued for downloading over 1,000 songs

doug141 writes: the complaint said, 'In short, each of the defendants participated in the substantial violations of plaintiffs' copyrights at issue and then concealed their involvement, standing idly by as Patricia Santangelo repeatedly protested their innocence and chastised plaintiffs for filing allegedly frivolous litigation.' sic_download_suit_1
Input Devices

Submission + - Invention: Tossable game-controllers

doug141 writes: From the article:
"Each controller resembles a normal throwable object, like a beach ball, a football or a Frisbee. But they also connect via WiFi to a games console, like the PlayStation Portable. And each also contains an accelerometer capable of detecting speed and impact, an altimeter, a timer and a GPS receiver." vention-throwable-gamecontrollers.html
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Virtual economies attract real-world tax attention

doug141 writes: Reuters reports "Users of online worlds such as Second Life and World of Warcraft transact millions of dollars worth of virtual goods and services every day, and these virtual economies are beginning to draw the attention of real-world authorities."
"Right now we're at the preliminary stages of looking at the issue and what kind of public policy questions virtual economies raise — taxes, barter exchanges, property and wealth," said Dan Miller, senior economist for the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress. cleID=D26B10CA0DE48DE1619FCEFC39D00D64

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