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Comment Re:First (Score 4, Insightful) 194

Whatever happened to doing things because they're fun or cool? I don't understand...he does something that is, by all accounts, really neat, and people ask him "Why? What's the practical purpose?"

He did it for the "Can-I-really-do-this?" factor. Isn't that enough?

Comment Re:Scary (Score 1) 1016

The act itself does not constitute a violation of copyright. Sure, maybe he enabled a few folks to violate copyright; however, unless he was placing copyrighted code onto their modded consoles, he only made some software and hardware modifications on boxes that had been legally purchased with the owner's consent.

Services like Tor can be used to mask the identity of a child pornographer; however, the use of a service like Tor is not equivalent to downloading or sharing child pornography until the actual crime is committed. I'm for a reasonable enforcement of copyright, but only when an actual crime is committed.

Comment Re:Can't say I'm surprised.... (Score 1) 279

How, exactly, is it a knockoff? Powershell uses an object model for pipes rather than text, allows access to .NET classes within the shell itself, and provides an API through which you can write custom providers (i.e. browse a database, the registry, or SVN repository as if it were a filesystem). Call it what you will, but I really can't think of any existing *nix tools that come with all that gravy. When you look at their internals and the way they're designed, really, Powershell is nothing like bash (other than the fact that both are powerful, usable command shells/scripting languages).

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