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Comment Re:Not the most compatible WAD (Score 1) 23

It was tested with and is recommended to be run with GZDoom. Apparently nobody reads readme files anymore, so here's a relevant section:

There are some players who would like to use a more strict, old-school port of DOOM like PRBOOM+ or CRISPY DOOM, or the Eternity Engine. SIGIL II was not made for strict vanilla-compatible DOOM ports, but it may work with some of them. I tried to be as compatible as I could without creating an entirely new WAD. Some of these source ports may be updated to work with SIGIL II.

Comment Re:And the regulator believed it? (Score 1) 16

Nah, this is just the left hand, waving frantically away and trying to get as much attention as possible.

Meanwhile, the right hand, under the table, is quietly opening a new loophole in another area of commerce that completely offsets any penalties for Meta and Amazon anyway.

The left hand and the right hand know very well what the other is doing.

Comment Re:They sell costumes (Score 1) 93

Yep, simple greed is almost certainly 90% of it.

There's probably a weird Japanese NIH mindset too; game directors with over-inflated egos and a strange "all hail our glorious auteur - they made this game" mindset from others in the company.

Not that that is uniquely Japanese, they just seem to embody it more than most.

Comment Re:Beancounters demand profit, film at 11 (Score 1) 286

My guess is that Google's suckers - oops, I mean advertising clients - are seeing pathetic ROI from their ad campaigns on YouTube and instead of admitting that paying for interstitial ads on YouTube is essentially just burning money, Google are blaming the evil users who aren't watching their ads.

So they'll crack down on ad-blocking and a few more eyeballs will pass disdainfully over the ads and the ROI will still be shit, so they'll massage the figures and promise that things will be better next time.

Also, someone will obviously just build a better ad-blocker that doesn't trigger their anti-ad-block protection.

Comment Re:I hate the new interfaces (Score 1) 48

It's all Sharepoint. Every Microsoft cloud service is just Sharepoint. Everything is Sharepoint. You think it's a distinct product but then you look behind the curtain and, yep, it's Sharepoint.

The one and only feature I want from OneDrive is not to choke and break completely when syncing 200000+ files. The more files you add, the worse it becomes until it's literally unusable, stuck in a perma-syncing state.

(Yes, I know, the company I work for is doing it wrong and we're using OneDrive and Sharepoint wrong but someone - not me - made a big promise in a meeting a couple of years ago and now we can't undo it.)

Comment Re:More anti-features from nvidia? (Score 1) 131

For those that don't know, DLSS3 is a mode where card takes two frames and tries to guess what frame(s) that would go between

Nope. That's DLSS Frame Generation, which is just a part of DLSS3. DLSS3 also includes advances to DLSS Super Resolution (upscaling) and NVIDIA Reflex (latency reduction) tech.

enabling DLSS3 will always make game's responsiveness objectively worse.

True, but from what I've seen and read; because all games with framegen must include Reflex, the increase in latency is only around 10ms when using framegen This is less than a full frame at 60hz. It may well be that nobody who is playing twitch-shooters competitively is using framegen. That's fine, because generally the engines for those titles don't require framegen for high framerates - they're built for fast rasterization (on appropriately beefy cards). I imagine that will begin to change.

Ergo, it's an anti-feature for gaming.

No. It's perfect for games where a ~10ms additional input delay is acceptable, which is 90% of games.

We're approaching the limit of where traditional rasterization is feasible while still producing generational advances in graphics fidelity, and while staying within a sane heat/power/money budget. We can't just slap a bigger, faster chip on there and call it a day anymore. AI is the best way around this limit. 3D games that use 100% traditional rasterization will probably last maybe 1 or 2 more console generations, then it's done.

Comment Re:Freespace 2 (Score 3, Interesting) 50

Yep, Freespace 2 is still the best game Volition ever made and the best space combat sim ever. I still play Freespace 2 from time to time.

If driving games were like modern space sims you'd have to start the game by driving to a petrol station, filling the car, buying an energy drink, going for a piss and then sitting in traffic on your way to the racetrack.

You know what isn't fun? Flying for ages between star systems where nothing happens. Screw that. I'll defend to the death the self-contained mission structure of the Freespace games. You go from menu, to mission briefing (which were fully voiced, minimalist and cool) and then straight into the mission. Freespace 2 got everything RIGHT. Beam weapons look dope, too.

Comment Re:Like the Old Saying Goes . . . (Score 5, Insightful) 149

So throw the article behind a paywall and be done with it? Facebook links to your article snippet and if people want to read the article they pay. Chances are they don't care beyond the headline though, in which case, what's the value of the article?

Anyway, it doesn't matter. I doubt he really cares that these things can't be shared on FB or Insta anymore, I think he's more concerned about the fact that when you try to link to these sites on FB or Insta in Canada, you get the stark message: "In response to Canadian govenment legislation, news content can't be viewed in Canada." or, reading between the lines slightly, "This is Trudeau's fault.".

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