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Comment Re:Obama Brought back Jobs and Growth (Score 1) 639

The chart you generated still shows that a decade of Republican policies pushed the economy off a cliff.

And of course your statistics make no mention of how the massive job losses were gradually stopped and replaced with job gains. It's on a couple pixels on your chart, but it represents our current situation.

Your scary budget deficit graph should talk to the Republican tax cut graph. I'll bet they have alot in common.

Comment Re:Obama Brought back Jobs and Growth (Score 2) 639

Actually, that chart shows that Obama and Democrat policies caused the labor market to recover much more slowly than the economy did. The Great Recession ended in June, 2009. That was only a few months after President Obama took office. To claim that any Obama policy ended the Great Recession is silly. If you disagree, please tell me what Obama did between 1/20/09 and 5/31/09 to end the Great Recession.

jobs are always a lagging indicator. You claim to have an expert knowledge of economics, but you don't understand that jobs are always a lagging indicator of growth. I don't think you really understand economics.

Please name the specific policies that caused an economic disaster, and those that put us on the "path to prosperity". Don't give me generalities, I want specific policies and bills. My background is in Economics, so please do no hesitate to get into the specific details.

1. Stabalization of credit market, allowing credit to continue to flow. This was done by propping up the banks while dropping interest rates.

2. Stimulus spending to help state make up shortfalls, and increase economic activity with government funded construction projects. Most of which were long over-due anyway.

Actually, the Republican-controlled House passed a continuing resolution to keep the government open that contained only previously-agreed-upon terms. President Obama has threatened a veto, and Reid (D-NV) won't even bring it up in the Senate. Tell me again who is shutting down the government?

Actually the Republican continuing resolution did not contain the agreed upon terms. Aside from being only one week while funding the military for a year, Republicans somehow managed to tack on abortion language.

I guess Republicans can't help themselves from reaching up womens' dresses to take their rights. But they could prevent a government shutdown by compromising on their 'poison the air' and anti-women's health riders to the budget.

Not that it matters. They convinced you of something that is totally false, and most of the country is just as naive as you are.

Comment Re:Obama Brought back Jobs and Growth (Score 1) 639

How about post a chart that is back up in facts, anyone can produce a graph chart.

Uhh... the chart represents facts. Its numbers are accurate.

While I did not agree with everything Bush or Republicans did, to blame them alone shows lack of any real thought and shows your just a blind Democratic party supporter.

The Republicans deserve blame for what they did. Democrats are trying to fix the problem but are being savaged for their efforts by the Republicans who destroyed the economy.

Democrat's ignored Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac, when Bush came into office he wanted more over site of them. Democrats block any attempt at taken any action on those Government set up Mortgage company's.

To look at those 2 entities alone without seeing the big picture regulatory environment and too big to fail but unregulated banks is to totally miss the point. I look at their impact, but you don't seem to notice the impact of deregulation.

Obama has increased spending 4X what we are taken in via Taxes. And Republicans are Evil for trying to get a handle on it.

Bush Tax-Cut + Bush Recession = Obama's fault?

I don't think so. The 4 X increase in the DEFICIT was cause by Republican policies.

Last time I checked there are not people laying all over the streets dieing under our current health care system.

That's because you willfully closed your eyes to the real world.

Comment Re:Obama Brought back Jobs and Growth (Score 1) 639

and one more time with spacing so I dont seem crazy...

Why didn't the Republicans pass a clean continuing resolution like last time?

Why do Republicans insist on gluing their crazy right wing agenda to the budget at every step?

Why should we let the Republican party gut the EPA, so their oil company buddies can continue poisoning the air we all breathe?

We can't trade away our air and health. We have to fight for those things because we need them to live.

Why is the tea party chanting "shut it down" while democrats are compromising on everything other than crazy ploys to harm the sick and the environment?

Why does the government get shut down every time that Republicans get the House when there is a Democratic President?

Comment Re:Obama Brought back Jobs and Growth (Score 1) 639

Why didn't the Republicans pass a clean continuing resolution like last time? Why do Republicans insist on gluing their crazy right wing agenda to the budget at every step? Why should we let the Republican party gut the EPA, so their oil company buddies can continue poisoning the air we all breathe? We can't trade away our air and health. We have to fight for those things because we need them to live. Why is the tea party chanting "shut it down" while democrats are compromising on everything other than crazy ploys to harm the sick and the environment? Why does the government get shut down every time that Republicans get the House when there is a Democratic President?

Comment Re:Obama acomplishments (Score 1) 639

You have got to be kidding me...

George W Bush and Saddam Hussein have alot in common. They both fought wars for oil, and they were both friendly with Donald Rumsfeld in the 70s.

The Iraqi people are better off for having been bombed, and conquered for oil?

The only price Iraqis had to pay for this freedom was a civil war, mass death, and a huge reduction in their already low standard of living.

Someone should tell the survivors how lucky they are.

Comment Re:Obama Brought back Jobs and Growth (Score 3, Insightful) 639

The government intervened to help the economy, much to the consternation of Republicans everywhere.

That intervention stemmed the job losses, as it was designed to. It gave money from the states that were hemmoraging teachers and other government funded jobs. Those teachers and other workers still paid their bills.

The stimulus plan which was passed over Republican objections also created jobs in the private sector. These people also paid their bills and continued to support the rest of the economy.

The President also propped up the banking system, allowing credit to continue flowing, even if at a slower pace.

Over time, things got better until the private sector was able to start hiring again.

Without government intervention, job losses would have continued unabated.

Comment Re:Obama Brought back Jobs and Growth (Score 2) 639

Unemployment is at it's lowest rate since March of 2009. The chart only gets better from where it left off.

Until April, when the Republican party is going to once again totally ruin the economy.

If I seem angry, it's because I voted for a guy to clean up the mess Republican policies created. And he did clean up that mess. And now that Obama's policies are incontrovertibly working, taking us out of this mess, Republicans are back to mess everything up.

In the real world, Barack Obama is very different from George W Bush, which is why Republicans are shutting down the government. Only a fool would believe that Republicans and Democrats are the same as they fight over a fundamentally different view of government.

Comment Re:Obama Brought back Jobs and Growth (Score 1) 639

Deregulation suddenly stopped when George W Bush and the 'deregulate everything' Republicans got full control of the government?

That doesn't sound right. Didn't Republicans take their policies of deregulation to absurd levels while they controlled the government?

Financial deregulation was taken to extreme levels by Republicans when they controlled all branches of government.

Financial deregulation is still advocated by the Republican party.

Comment Re:Obama Brought back Jobs and Growth (Score 1) 639

That's an awful long way of saying that you approve of uninsured freeloaders who get care when they get hurt, even if they can't pay. So much for personal responsibility...

If my hospital has to care for an uninsured person who gets into a car accident, then everyone has a responsibility to carry health insurance. It's the only fair way to deal with the unexpected illnesses that people can't afford.

Even people like you who value insurance company profits over human life should be able to see that.

Comment Re:Obama Brought back Jobs and Growth (Score 1) 639

Do you have any information contradicting those numbers?

I didn't think so.

  Liberals don't spend all day lying, unlike Fox "News". A liberal newspaper isn't automatically false, and the Peace Corps is very honorable institution.

The linked numbers are accurate, so provide information to the contrary or kindly stfu.

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