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Comment Re:What language should we use for our site? Perl (Score 1) 280

Actually, come to that, the ability to store any of several things in a variable is in itself fairly powerful and if used well can *enormously* simplify the code for certain kinds of problems.

Strongly typed languages often contain constructs that allow to emulate this behaviour if absolutely necessary. For example, F# (and thus, I assume, ocaml) allows unions.
type myType = {
| type_A of int
| type_B
| type_C of string

They are still strictly typed, just that their type is (A or B or C). That way, you get flexibility when you need it, while retaining the behaviour of a strongly typed language.

And as any decent programmer knows, simpler code is easier to maintain.

Simple doesn't mean unprincipled. I started coding exclusively in F# last summer, and I haven't looked back. On several occasions, I have written several hundred lines of complex scientific code in one go, ending up with a bug-free piece of software right after the first compilation. If you can do this in perl or python, you are a better programmer than me. Plus, the code looks gorgeous, and you can actually read it from top to bottom and understand what's going on.

Comment Re:Science in the real world is NOT that interesti (Score 1) 314

You are bitter.

I'm a scientist, and I love my job. There's no job in the world that could be more exciting. Yes, you do have to deal with the administrative side. It's not like a corporate job is any different at that.

Every morning I wake up with a question in my head I want to answer by the end of the day. Nobody is allowed to tell me what to do, I do whatever I find interesting. Sometimes (rarely), I even simply decide to stay in bed, and nobody cares! Tell me of another job like that! Also, I love working with my students: I am surrounded by a group of people who are enthusiastic about questions that I am enthralled by myself. What better working environment could you imagine?

Yes, I could earn an order of magnitude more in a corporate environment. Yes, I waste a lot of time on grant applications and administrative rubbish. Who cares? I love this job. It gives me the chance to spend every single day of my live thinking about problems I care about. I find it awesome that society is willing to pay me money for doing so, and I feel privileged that I am allowed to teach hundreds of students every year, about something that I genuinely find important.

Comment Re:Patenting mistakes (Score 1) 644

What's interesting is that the intellectual property lawyer behind the move, Horacio Gutierrez, has just been promoted to the rank of corporate vice president at Microsoft. Is this his way of announcing that he intends going on the attack against Linux?"

How is this important? Man gets promoted to lead IP division, proceeds to, well, lead IP division. I don't see why it's newsworthy that Microsoft's bigger court filings get filed by a high-ranking manager. The fact that he has just been promoted need not necessarily have anything to do with this.

Comment Re:He's not required to presume innocence (Score 1) 397

You don't seem to have read my post.

To my claim that in dubio pro reo is a moral imperative to the general public you reply

It was never meant to be.

Which implies that there is some moral authority who gets to decide what a particular moral concept is "meant to be". On the other hand, you write

I can believe them to be guilty even if the findings are the opposite. That's called freedom. Freedom of thought is more important than the law. I'm free to judge. That I don't judge on your schedule doesn't mean I'm wrong, it means I'm different than you. Differences happen, and shouldn't be bashed just because it isn't what you'd do.

which claims the exact opposite: That there be no moral authority whatsoever.

Let me make my point clearer, since you seem to have missed it: Assuming someone's innocence until they are found guilty is a moral imperative, more so than a legislative one. It is founded on the categorical imperative: A society without this rule is a community of witch-hunters, where everyone can accuse anyone of everything. We don't want to be accused without a chance to defend ourselves, therefore we should not accusse others without a fair trial.

This has nothing to do with your personal freedom to think whatever you please about your neighbour. Instead, it is about your personal right to defend yourself, and be defended from prejudice. You cannot claim this right for yourself while simultaneously claiming a right to spread prejudice about others.

Comment Re:He's not required to presume innocence (Score 4, Insightful) 397

That's all it means. It is just a simple way of summing up our court system. It is NOT a command to the population at large.

You are painting a pretty bleak picture of this society. Of course everyone is free to believe whatever they want. But in a civilised society, under the rule of law, we like to let the law rule. That includes giving every man a chance to state their cause in court before judging them. That is indeed a "command to the population at large", although a moral one, not a legislative one.

The Courts

Pirate Bay P2P Trial Begins In Sweden 723

Many readers are writing to tell us that The Pirate Bay trial is now in full swing in Sweden. Looking at a possible two years in prison and $150,000 in fines (plus another $14.3 million if the record companies get their way), the battle of infringement is sure to be one of the most watched p2p trials. "The International Federation of Phonographic Industry (IFPI) which is representing the case of music and film producers, made a statement about the case on Friday. Stating, For people who make a living out of creativity or in a creative business, there is scarcely anything more important than to have your rights protected by the law. Copyright exists to ensure that everyone in the creative world from the artist to the record label, from the independent film producer to the TV program maker - can choose how their creations are distributed and get fairly rewarded for their work. The operators of The Pirate Bay have violated those rights and, as the evidence in Court will show, they did so to make substantial revenues for themselves. That kind of abuse of the rights of others cannot be allowed to continue, and that is why these criminal proceedings are so important for the health of the creative community."

Submission + - SPAM: UC Berkeley lab defines cloud computing obstacles

alphadogg writes: UC Berkeley researchers have outlined their view of cloud computing, which they say has great opportunity to exploit unprecedented IT resources if vendors can overcome a litany of obstacles. "We argue that the construction and operation of extremely large-scale, commodity-computer datacenters at low-cost locations was the key necessary enabler of Cloud Computing," they write. The paper [spam URL stripped] outlines 10 obstacles to cloud computing: 1. Availability of service 2. Data lock-in 3. Data confidentiality and auditability 4. Data transfer bottlenecks 5. Performance unpredictability 6. Scalable storage 7. Bugs in large distributed systems 8. Scaling quickly 9. Reputation fate sharing 10. Software licensing
Link to Original Source

Submission + - Danish scientists solve mystery about worlds deepe (

thomasdn writes: "Danish scientists reveals how the 1,637 meters (5,370 ft) deep Lake Baikal in Siberia was created. Professor Hans Thybo and PhD Christoffer Nielsen from the University of Copenhagen reached the conclusion that it was the geological collision between India and Asia 35 million years ago that created the world's deepest lake: Lake Baikal in Siberia, which contains 20 per cent of the world's fresh water reserves and a unique display of plant- and wildlife."

Comment Re:Not so much (Score 1) 345

I don't see how this is "the center of gravity shifting". Rather, the examples given appear to indicate a diversification of Operating systems rather than a general downward trend. e.g. While there may be a smaller OS X revision, the desktop revision gets larger with every release.

The next desktop version of OS X is expected to be much smaller than the current one. From

Snow Leopard dramatically reduces the footprint of Mac OS X, making it even more efficient for users, and giving them back valuable hard drive space for their music and photos.

While I agree with you that this story is a vacuous mix of buzz words, I do think that desktop OSes do get smaller indeed, and I think it's a good thing. But for different reasons. To me, it signals a shift on the OS developers' behalf, away from adding more functionality back to optimizing the code-base. Partly because their marketing strategy necessitates the system to run on mobile devices (Apple), partly because they have understood that the market is fed up with bloated OSes that get in the way (Microsoft). But regardless of the reasons, it's A Good Thing.

Comment Re:Still needs a root (Score 4, Insightful) 125

Actually, it doesn't need a root. Quite on the contrary, the developing graph could give amazing insight into the structure of research communities. It would be possible to identify researchers forming links between otherwise almost disconnected areas of research, and to find the great minds at the centre of such blocks. There is no "root" to the web of scientists. Even people like Erdös were only ever local subroots.

I think this project is a great idea. Unfortunately, it currently seems to consist of only a command line tool to sign reviews with GPG. That's nowhere near enough if it is to thrive beyond the CS world. It needs a simple, rock-solid GUI, and most importantly, lots of eye-candy for the graph. It will need to look cool and work well to build up the momentum for this to work at all.

Comment Mod Parent Up (Score 4, Insightful) 749

I strongly support your statement. I am currently living in a European Country that I have no citizenship in. I am not allowed to vote, but I am allowed to pay taxes. But somehow that doesn't stop me from being the evil foreigner who takes away jobs for the locals.

The GP argument implicitly assumes that there is some fixed amount of work available, and that foreigners coming into the country somehow "take away" their work, or deteriorate their salary. I can assure you that, if anything, I am more expensive than a local (I get the same wage, but my employer paid a bonus to get me here. Also, I am stricter about taking all of my paid leave and not working overtime than the people around here).

The sad fact is that while the markets have become global, most workers still don't want to live global. It's just as easy for an American to get abroad as it is for an American company to hire people abroad. So why are Americans so hellbent on staying put? It can't be the standard of living: Many European countries offer a better deal than the States when it comes to work-live balance and purchasing power.

Comment Re:An old email relating to carbon footprint of da (Score 1) 516

I'm pretty sure the GP's numbers are kilos of CO2 per person, per flight.

According to David MacKay's excellent book, an intercontinental flight uses about 12,000 kWh of Energy per passenger. Let's imagine the meeting takes about 10 hours. Unless your IT infrastructure uses 1.2 Megawatts, solely for this one video conference, there's no point in flying, CO2-wise.

Comment Re:Long history (Score 1) 180

No offence, but you must be new to the internet.

I don't know anything about this particular case, and this discussion is not about this particular person. But you will easily find a lot of unreasonable people on the internet. Because the more unreasonable they are, the louder they tend to voice their anger.

Comment Re:Long history (Score 4, Insightful) 180

In other words: If someone actually commits libel against you in an internet forum, you are screwed:

If you sue them, you create a lot of headlines (the streisand effect), causing much more damage to your reputation. If you win the case, nobody will care (the media is not interested in some random dude being wrong in a forum). If you lose, it's even worse.

So what else can you do, really? Must be something that doesn't cause negative publicity. You might try adding a positive review to the forum under a pseudonym. But if anyone finds out about this, you have caused even more harm to your reputation.

The takeaway message seems to be: Don't trust anyone on the internet, for there is no penalty for lying on there.

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