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Comment Re:2 weeks - insulated time loop (Score 1) 658

Insulate the loop.
Only enter the lotteries that have a winner who has not yet come forward and identifed themselves.

Then after entering the lotteries, cash purchases only, go into hiding using cash only for 2 weeks and wait until the other timeline you has gone back in time.
Only then reappear as yourself.

Comment pown to own - power plants and factories (Score 3, Funny) 77

Just legislate that every 3 years an industrial site must open itself to a 1 week pown to own event. If anyone can pown the control system they get to own the plant.

Would make for some nice corporate-on-corporate events to gain control. Even enviro-on-corporate.

Yes this is quite silly. But might as well have it happen in the open rather than behind closed doors.

Comment Office Needs New Structure (Score 3, Interesting) 167

a) any patent extending or similar to existing patents, application price is x2 for research
b) any patent where similar work is easily found by the patent office but was not referred, costs x5 to continue application once the similar work is found
c) any patent where terms are obfuscated by not using the most common industry standard terminology and reference terms x2 for research
d) any patent where once obfuscated terms are cleared up similar work is easily found, costs x10 to continue application
e) idea registery separate from patent. not subject to exploding fees as above. the idea is open and can be used by anyone. Is a sort of defensive patent. Means anyone can use the idea and it cannot be patented and held proprietary by anyone.
f) different costs for patents in different areas due to research needed .....
lots of ways to provide support

Comment Scary new math summary (Score 3, Insightful) 757

0) all 40 major climate models are in agreement and new tweaks over last couple of years do not adjust any of them significantly
1) previously assumed 2'C crisis point is looking bad. Current conditions indicate 1'C is likely edge of strange world. We are at 0.8'C now.
2) 265 GT of carbon release will get us to 2'C point
3) 2,795 GT of carbon in known preserves slated for exploitation

why does it matter -->>
In the course of this month, a quadrillion kernels of corn need to pollinate across the grain belt, something they can't do if temperatures remain off the charts. Just like us, our crops are adapted to the Holocene, the 11,000-year period of climatic stability we're now leaving... in the dust.

Comment question guy's attorney (Score 5, Funny) 217

Q: Do you have a cell phone?
Att: Yes
Q: Is it normally on?
Att: Yes
Q: Do you drive and talk with a wireless head set?
Att: Yes
Q: Do you use a computer in your office?
Att: Yes
Q: Is it a laptop?
Att: Yes
Q: Do you connect to cable to access email, or do you use wireless?
Att: wireless

Q: Can you explain how your client ever got within 100feet of you or your office?

Comment projection is 2 merged projections, TV + secondary (Score 1) 118

Whole room projection has been in scifi forever and a whole bunch of researchers have done it before some with moving floors.

Where this MS patent is different and where it becomes patentable is "main display" and "secondary display" and merging the two.
It envisions your TV as your main display, with some sort of secondary projector to do the rest of the room and the secondary projection will merge with what is on the TV.

Flight simulators have used multiple merged screens for years. But the MS idea of primary and secondary is slightly different.

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